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23.6.39 AM. cont.  Inverdruie, E1., station 1.

Opius caesus  1♀.
Pentapleura angustula  1♀.
Aphaereta tenuicornis  1♀.
Aspilota falsifica miki?  1 fine ♂, with 24 seg. ant.
Dacnusa eros  1♂, with 37-seg. ant.
D. ovalis  1 gigantic ♂ with 41-seg. ant.
D. melanocera  1 very nice ♀, with 25-26 ant.
D. gilvipes  1♂, 29-seg. ant.
D. bellina  1♂, 25 seg. ant.
D. grossa miki.  1 fine ♀ with base of 2nd abd. tergite rugulose, ant. 30 segmented & widely rejected recurrent nerve (not interstial as in melanocera!)
D. sp. near ovalis  1♂, 32 seg. ant., 2nd abd. seg. red.
D. sp. near elegantula  1♂ (?) 30-seg. ant., with curious smooth depressed [[image]] area between notauli in mid lobe of mesonotum.

Proctos  3 =


23.6.39 AM. cont.  R. Druie, near Aviemore
11 till 12.30 "AM".
[24 from 1 & 100 from 2 kept & these labelled 17/2/41 et seq.  See note on margin at foot of p. 196. AWS.]

Bombus lucorum  ♀♀ & ☿☿ seen.
B. muscorum  Two faded ♀♀ seen
Halictus leucopus  1♀ on gravel flat at 1.
Specodes  very small ♀ seen at same place.
Crabro dimidiatus  ♂♂ at 1.
Vespa spp. seen in distance
[Aphelopus (?serratus)  1♂ at 2:  placed at end:  see p. 199]

Tenthredella mesomelas  ♀
[Tenthredopsis nassata  1♀ near Avicmore Station]
Dolerus aeneus  2♂♂.

All below & on pp.198-199 are from 2;  those listed on supplementary leaf 196A & 196B are from station 1.

Barichneumon albicinctus?  1♂
Hemiteles spp.  2 very small ♂♂, with 19 & 22-seg. ant. =
Phygadeuon?  2♂♂ & 1♀ with 22, 23 & 19-seg. ant. resp. = {
Stilpnus gagates?  1♀.
Atractodes tenibricosus?  1♂, 1♀.
A. sp.?  1♀, red.
Exolytus? spp.  3♂♂, with 21, 24 & 26-seg. ant. = {
Cryptus?  1♂, 28-seg. ant.
Stenomacrus sp.? near fulcatus, 23-seg. ant., sloping, smooth propodeum, &c.
St. cubiceps?  1♂, 26-seg. ant.
Orthocentrus sp.  1♂ 29-seg. ant.
Promethes laticarpus  2♂♂.
P. pulchellus  1♂.
Tryphon vulgaris?  1♂, 1♀.
Plectiscus sp.  1♂, 22-seg. ant.
2♂♂ Campoplegids - Omorga sp. &