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29.6.39 cont.


30th June 1939.

Mainly fine, but cool, with strong NW breeze, some sun & some small showers.

Walked around bay past Torridon village & on to zigzag = Z road above Torridon House, then climbed up to cliffs of Sgurr-a-Chadail (2287 ft) to about 1700 ft., where much Alchimella alpina, with Juniperus siberica, Thalictrum alpinum (on one set spot at W. angle of cliffs), Beech Fern, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (rare).  Scarcely collected insects at all, as ground & wind unfavourable, but the following seen or taken:

Bombus lucorum frequent, ♀♀ & ☿☿
B. jonellus  ♀♀ frequent; ? 1♂ seen.
B. muscorum  a few ♀♀ seen along roadside
Andrena tarsata  1♂ on roadside above Z.
Vespa rufa  1♀ at about 1500 ft.


30th June 39 cont.  Torridon district cont.

Campoplex  small red sp. 1♀ on roadside
Apanteles congestus  2 balls of cocoons, one taken - but flies already had emerged! on moor.
A. black sp.  1♂ on roadside

Northern Brown Butterfly (E. media)  About half-a-dozen seen, one taken;  seen flying with Meadow Brown & much stronger on wing than that species.

Small Heath common.  
Large Heath:  one seen.
Small White ?  One seen in distance, either this sp. or napi!
Dragon Fly (Cordulagaster ) several seen & one captured with fingers while asleep.

On this day Mr. & Mrs. Thornley - a young couple from Birmingham - climbed Liath, 3, 456 ft., & at my request brought me specimens from the summit, which they said were growing in crevices of the rocks.  The plants were Salix herbacea, Arabis petraea & Saxifraga stellaris?

Transcription Notes:
SgÒrr a' Chadail