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1st July 1939

A fine day, with much sun, strong NW cool breeze & a few slight showers.  
Insects only in shelter.

Walked to Loch Damph, along 2/3 of E. shore & home round S. shoulder of Ben Damph.  Most insects collected near boat-house in birch scrub on E. side of L. Damph.
[64 specimens kept & these labelled 5/10/41 et seq.]

Bombus lucorum  ♀♀ & ☿☿ frequent.
B. jonellus  ♀♀ frequent.
B. muscorum  ♀♀ & one or two workers: rare.
Andrena subopaca  1♀, swept off heather on side of loch.
Myrmica ruginodis } ♀♀ examined.
Lasiuis niger } ♀♀ examined.
Formica fusca } ♀♀ examined.
Crabro (or Pemphredon) sp.?  1 seen to enter hole in bored stump along shore of lake, but could not get it out (? C. leucostomus ♀) 
Vespa norvegica  1☿
Anteon  ♀

Tiger Beetles by roadside, one of which (taken by George) was not green but a slaty colour:  this unfortunately escaped in house & was accidentally tramped on.

Large Heath Butterfly & many grossulariata just hatched on boggy heath, these had evidently fed on ling in larval stage!


1.7.39 cont.  Loch Damph district cont.

Spilichneumon stagnicola Thoms.?  1♀  A.W.S. 5/10/1941.
Hemiteles aperta?  1♂.
H. sp.?  dark abd. & legs, former heavily sculptured, mat., ♂.
H.? sp.?  1 red ♂.
Other Cryptinae, 2♂♂ } =
Catoglyptus  1♀.
Orthocentrus corrugatus?  1♂, 27-seg. ant.
Orthocentrus n. sp.?  1♀, with elongate slender abd. tergites 1, 2 & 3 rugose; ant. 32-seg. &c. no trace of aerolet, but nervellus intercepted & bent.
Stenomacrus cf. pallipes  1♂, 24-seg. ant.
St. ventralis  1♀.
Eclytus fontinalis  1♀.
Meloboris? sp.  1♀ 30-seg. ant.
Angitia??  2♂♂, 1♀ (= 3 spp.?)
Aperileptus sp.  1♂, 20-seg. ant.
Plectiscus? sp.?  1♀ 21-seg. ant.
Apanteles  black s.: sect. 2(M)  2♂♂, 1♀.
A.  black sp. smoother 1st tergite, 1♂.
A.  black, pale base to hind tibiae  1♀
Acoelius subfasciatus?  1♂.
Microgaster politus Marshall?  1♂, fits this fairly well.
Meteorus micropterus  1♂.
Opius irregularis  1♀.
O. cf. "apiculator"  1♂, 2♀♀, ant. 25, 25 & 23-seg.
Pentapleura angustula  1♀, 18-seg. ant.
P. pumilio  1♀, 21-seg. ant.
Aspilota sciurella miki?  1♂ 24-seg. ant.
A. expansa miki?  1♀ 18-seg. ant.
A. rufata miki?  1♂, 17-seg. ant.
A. viatica miki?  1♀, 20-seg. ant.
A. (Synaldis) cf concolor?  1♀, 18-seg. ant.
Dacnusa adducta  2♂♂.
D. melanocera  1♂, 1♀.
D. sp. near ovalis  1♀ {v. long ant. 29-seg. pale at base, 2nd tergite reddish.
D. sp. n. near alticeps & pubescens.  1♀, small, long terebra, 22-seg. ant., much rejected recurrent nerve, &c.
D. aerolaris?  1♂, 21-seg. ant.
Aphidius sp. dark legs, 1♂, 18-seg. ant.
Phenoserphids  3.
Other Proctos.  5.
Chalcids  1.