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4.7.39. cont. Kinlochewe district, cont.

Stenomacrus (Neurateles) pusillus  1♀ at 1, which agrees perfectly with 2 Irish ♀♀.
St. sp.?  1♂ (antennae broken) pale face & legs:  in some ways like last, but head more normal, stigma narrow & propodeum & abd. more sculptured:  at 1.
Exochus bifoveolatus miki, sp. n.  1♂ at 1 smaller but similar to type taken in Hollywood Glen, WI., on 18/8/1938 & put in coll. with that!  AWS. 22.10.1941.
Perilissus subcinctus?  1 dark ♂: at 1.
Perilissus ruficornis  1♂ at 3.
Polyblastus? sp.?  1♂, at 1, with 28 seg. ant. red abd., &c.
Campoplex  red. sp.  1♂ at 1.
Meloboris hydropota?  1♂ at 1.
M. hydrobia v. coxator?  2♂♂, 3♀♀ at 1.
Nepiera concinna?  1♂, 6♀♀ at 1 & 3.

3 other Campoplegids  1 red ♂ at 1, 1 black ♂ at 3 & 1 black ♀ at 1 

Apanteles imperator Wilk.?  1♀ at 1.
Rhogas irregularis  2♀♀ at 1.
A. fulvipes group  1♀ at 1.
Microplitis borealis?  1♂ at 1.
M. mediana?  ♀, var. at 1.
Agathis anglica?  1♀ at 1.
Meteorus deceptor?  1 fine ♂ at 3, with 41-seg. antennae.
M. cf. obfuscatus?  1♂ at 1, 33-seg. ant.
M. abdominalis  1♀ at 1, 23-seg. ant.
Centistes lucidator  2♂♂ at 1.
Opius cingulatus  1♂, 1♀ at 1.
Opius tacitus?  1♂ at 1, 28-seg. ant.
O. victus?  1♂ at 1, with 34-seg. ant.
O. irregularis  2♂♂, 2♀♀ at 1.
O. "apiculator"?  1♀, with 23-seg. ant. at 1.
O. sp.?  1 small ♂ (?) at 1, like "apiculator" but stouter darker legs & only 20-segmented antennae, rougher petiole, &c.


4.7.39 cont.  Kinlochewe district, cont.

Mesochorus  1♂, 1♀ at 1 = 
Eusterynx?  small black sp., 1♀ at 1, with 17-seg. ant.

Pentepleura pumilio  2♂♂, Phaenocarpa ruficeps ♂ & Ph. conspurcator 1 small ♀, all at 1.
Aspilota praecipus  a very nice ♀ at 1 with 29-seg. ant.
A. sp. cf. atra miki:  1 large ♂ with 29-seg. ant. but short 2nd cubital cell: at 1.
A. concinna  1 nice ♂ with 22-seg. ant. at 1.
A. sciurella miki?  1♂ at 1, with 26-seg. ant.
A. rufata  2♂♂ with 16 & X seg. ant.,  1♀, 16-seg. ant. at 1.
A. spp.?  2♂♂, with 23-seg. ant., differing inter se, at 1.
A. cf. nigrescens miki  4♂♂ & 2♀♀ at 1, with 19, X, 20, 22, 18 & 19-seg. ant. resp.
A. spp.?  2♂♂, 2♀♀ (? all diff. inter se) at 1, with 21, 22, 18 & 19-seg. ant. resp.  This ♂ is dentifemur miki!  AWS 4/5/43.
A. (Synaldis) gracilipes miki?  1♀ at 1, with 21-seg. rather stout antennae.
A. sp.?  2 very small ♂♂, with 16 & 17-seg. ant. at 1, like small nigrescens.

Dacnusa adducta  1♂, 1♀, with X & 31-seg. ant.
D. melanocera  1 small ♂ & D. grossa miki  1 fine ♂ with 25 & 32-seg. ant. respectively.
D. stratula  1♂, 1♀ at 1, with 26 & 26-seg. ant.
D. cytherea Nix.  1♂ with 31 seg. ant. at 1.
D. pubescens  1♂, with 25-seg. ant. at 1.
D. areolaris  1♀ at 1, with 21-seg. ant.
Chaenusa conjungens  1♂ at 1.
Aphidius sp.  1 broken ♂ at 1.
Coelinius gracilis  1♂, 1♀ at 1, with 50 & 37-seg.ant. resp.
Ephedrus lacertosus  1♂ and E. plagiator  2♀♀, all at 1.

Phaenoserphids.  1♂, 7♀♀ of (?) 3 spp.
Other Proctos.  14 specimens.
Chalcids  6 specimens of 6 species.
Diptera & Coleoptera

Saw several "large" Fritalliries, very fresh & brown, either aglaia or adippe but ? which.  Also many Euphrosyne, several Six-spot Burnets, a ♂ Blue (? sp.) & some Large Heaths & "grossulariata".

Transcription Notes:
I have transcribed the list according to Stellfox's arrows, i.e. comment about Campoplegids moved to page 232 as he indicated.