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8th July 1939. 

A fine morning after a wet night with much hot sun till 4 PM. when rain again set in.  Wind S.S.W. rather strong.

Spent morning in Arisaig, but did not collect there.  On roadside between Arisaig & the Allt Cam saw a few Bumbles & other Aculeates during hot sunburst about noon & later collected a few insects by sweeping along roadside at same place & along sheltered side of small overflow channel that drains southward into Arisaig bay. 

Roadside 1 mile N. of Arisaig, W(est) I(nverness) = WI
Noon, & 3 till 4 PM.

25 insects kept & these labelled 29/10/41.  AWS.

Bombus muscorum  ♀♀ & ☿☿ frequent.
B. lucorum  ♀♀ & ☿☿, only a few.
B. hortorum  1 torpid ♀ at "Skye river"
Psithyrus barbutellus  1♀, very fresh, at same spot as last.
Andrena tarsata  1♂.
A. fucata  1 faded ♀.
Halictus albipes  1♀.
Nomada flavoguttata  1♀ var. with no yellow spots on abdomen.


8.7.39 cont.  Arisaig district, cont.

Pompilid, red.  1♂ seen in grass by road at noon.
Crabro varius frequent on scrub in overflow channel.
Sawfly:- Selandria morio  1♀.
Phaeogenes  1♀.
Cryptine  ♂, with 24-seg. ant.
Pezomachus gonatopinus?  1♂.
Hemiteles  small sp. 1♂.
"Polysphincta" subrufa Bdg.  One beautiful ♀, with 28-seg. ant.  This sp. is really a Polyblastid fide JFP.
Angitia? sp.?  1♀, antennae broken (X).
Angitia?? sp.?  1♀, antennae 32-segmented.
Mesochorus sp.  1♀, with 37-seg. ant.
Apanteles sp.  1♂.
Euphorus pallidistigma?  1♂, 1♀, small, with 16-seg. antennae.
Aspilota [[strikethrough]] communis [[/strikethrough]] vulgaris? miki.  1♂, 1♀, with 22 & 19-seg. ant.
Proctos. 5.

Heard a Corncrake near outlet of Allt Cam on 7th & another near Arisaig on 8th: the first heard during the trip.

Saw 1♂ Common Blue, a few Small Heaths & Meadow Browns, one faded Euphrosyne on 8th.

"Moonwort", Thalictrum dunense? very common on sands & Orchis purpurella?, O. elodes, hybrids, Habenaria viridis & H. conopsea seen.  Empetrum very fine at sea level, but no Arctostaphylos seen.