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11.7.39 cont.  Arisaig to Beasdale cont.

Dacnusa sp. near lateralis, but smaller:  1♂ (ant. 35) at 2.
D. cytherea Nixon  1♂ at 1 (ant. 30) & 1♂ at 2 (32).
D. striatula  2♂♂ at 2 (ant. 27 & 28)
D. grossa = melanocera (large form!) miki  1 fine ♀ (?) at 2 (ant. 34).
D. melanocera  1♂, 1♀ at 1 (ant. 26 & 24)
D. ocyroe Nix.?  1♂ at 2 (ant. 28).
D. pubescens  1♂ at 2 (ant. 24).
D. longiradialis  1♂ at 1 (ant. 22).
D. maculipes?  1♂, 1♀ at 1 (ant. 22/23 & 22).
D. cf. confinis Ruth.?  1♀ (ant. 23/24), legs dusky, terebra exserted, at 2, sternauli short but distinct.
D. laevipectus??  2♂♂, 1♀ at 2, not areolaris, but only 21-seg. ant. in all three.
D. areolaris?  4♀♀ at 1 (ant. 20, 20, 22 & 22), also 4♂♂, 2♀♀ at 2, all very small & untypical (ant. 19, 19/20, 20, 20, 2 & X respectively).
D. affinis  1 small ♀ at 1 (ant. 22).
Chaenusa conjungens  1 small ♀ at 2 (ant. 20).
Ephedrus lacertosus  3♀♀ at 1.
Praon volucre?  1♂ at 1 (ant. 24).
Praon abjectum?  1♀ at 1 (ant. 18), very large.
Aphidius avenae?  1♂, 1♀ at 1 (ant. 21 & 18).
Aphidius dissolutus??  1♂ at 1 (ant. 15).
Proctos.  6 at 1, 36 at 2:-  Exallonyx niger  2♀♀ at 2.

Chalcids.  2 at 1, 5 at 2:-
Cynipids.  1 at 1, 2 at 2:-
Beetles  2 (1 at 1, 1 at 2):-


12th July 1939.

Floods of rain from 3 A.M. [till after breakfast on 13th];  2 1/2 inches said to have fallen in Arisaig, the rain never slackening, with SW. wind all day.  Did not go out & spent day setting insects &c.

13th July 1939.

Rain ceased about 11 AM;  after finishing setting, packed up two boxes of insects & posted same to E.O'M. in Dublin.  (Delivered in Dublin at noon on 17/7/39! AWS.)  Then walked to the old pier of Arisaig at Rhu, but frequent skiffs of rain made any collecting impossible until about 2.30 when a hot burst of sun brought out some insects & about a dozen taken with sucker on rotting sea-weed S. of old pier.  On return about 5 P.M. discovered a number of bees on basalt scarp by road 1/2 mile E. of pier, which brought out by sun-burst had not retired, but sat about on flowers of Hieracium sp. 

[[?Greenweinid]] White & Meadow Brown Butterflies both seen, the former near Arisaig & the latter common all the way.  The first ♂ Halicti seen of the season at basaltic scarp.