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23.7.39 cont.  Coan, Co. WI., cont.

Aloea contracta  1♀ at 1.
Phaenocarpa conspurcator  1♀, small.
Aspilota atra (for ♂ see below)  1♀, 24-seg. at 1.
A. vulgaris?  1♂, ant. 22, at 1.
A. rufata, large, 3♂♂, ant. 19, 20 & 20, at 1.
A minutissima?  ♀ at 1, ant. 15.
A. crassifemur? - see ♀ below.  1♂, ant. 25, at 1.
A. crassicosta Tho.?  1♂, 1♀, with 32 & 27-seg. ant. at 2: very nice!!
A. atra (for ♀ see above)  1♂, 30 seg. ant. at 2.
A. crassifemur?  small 1♀, ant. 19, at 2.  See ♂ above & below.
A. crassifemur?  1♂, very long ant., 24, at 2.
A. cynipidis??  1♀, ant. 19, at 2
A. rufata?  2♂♂, ant. 18 & 16, at 2.
A. minutissima?  1♀, ant. 16, at 2.
A. sp.?  1♂, very small, ant. 17, at 2

Dacnusa discolor?  1 very nice ♀ at 1.

Proctos.  10 at 1, & 1 at 2: = 

Chalcids.  1 at 1 & 1 at 2.
Dipteron:  Beris fuscipes Mg. ♂ at 2. - AWS. 16.1.1941.

[During heavy shower on outward journey (23.7.39, A.M.) took 3 icks. under trees at Tinnode, Co. WI. = Dioctes exareolatus? 1♀, Olesicampa? 1♀ & Mesochorus 1♂.]

[E. O'Mahony bred a ♀ Aphidius urticae from nest of a Dunnock (Hedge Sparrow) on 23.7.39, taken earlier at St. Anne's, Clontarf, Co. DU.

[E. O'Mahony took a ♂ Bombus distinguendus in St. Anne's, Clontarf, which was faded & very worn, on 25.7.39 in evening, sitting on flower.]


26th July 1939.

A fine day but quite dull & rather threatening till nearly 7 P.M., then all sunny, warm, soft W. breeze.

Insects plentiful in spots, few in others & vegetation still decidedly wet after previous day's showers.

Glenasmole, Co. DU.  2.30 till 7.30 P.M.
1 = Flat at head of upper reservoir
2 = W. side of same, & also below dam on rt. bank of river.
3 = Under trees on left bank of river S. of Moore's house
Most insects taken at 1, as few seen at 2 & 3.

[46 specimens kept from 1, 11 from 2 & 8 from 3:  these labelled 18.1.41 et seq. AWS.]

Bombus lucorum  ☿☿ abundant & 1♂ seen.
B. jonellus  ♂ & ☿ seen on bramble at 2
B. hortorum  1 worn ♀ seen at 2
B. agrorum  ☿☿ very common.
B. muscorum  1☿ seen at 2
B. lapidarius or derhamellus (? which)  1☿ seen at 2.
Psithyrus campestris  1 black ♀ at 1; others seen.
Antaeon cameroni  ♀, with yellow pronotum, running on waterproof, under larch tree, when having tea, at 1.