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4/8/39, cont.  Landenstown and W. of Sallins, KD. cont.

Phaenocarpa eugenia  1 fine ♂ I think at 1, if not then at 2, labelled 18/3/41!  This has 54-seg. ant.
"Phaenocarpa" (?)  ♂ with stigma-like vein at lower margin of upper wing, identical with ♂ taken at Glending, KD., on 15/9/38, & therefore not a freak;  taken by canal at 4.  See also 23.8.39 p.292. = Phaenocarpa (Rhopaloneura) nimia mike.  Proc. R.I.A. 47B1, 1941.
Aspilota rufata  ♀, 16-seg. ant. at 3.
A. (Synaldis) concolor?  1♀, 16-seg. ant. at 4.
Dacnusa talaris  1♂ at 3.
D. elegans  1♀ at 4.
D. longiradialis  1♀ at 3.
D. esbelta  1♀ at 4.
Praon volucre  2 fine ♀♀ at 4, with 19 & 20-seg. ant. respectively:  absolutely agreeing with Haliday's description.
Aphidius dissolutus Hal.  A very nice ♀ at 3, 16-seg. ant.
Proctos.  2 at 1 or 2; 10 at 3, 1 at 4. 
= Exallonyx confusus?  1♀ at 3.

Cynipid at 3 =
Brachypterous Dipteron at 1 or 2 = 


4.8.39.  Collected by E. O'Mahony in "St. Anne's", Clontarf, Cublin, about 8.30 P.M. Summer Time.

Rhogas irregularis  1♀.
Apanteles sp. ♂ (not kept)

Blacus [[strikethrough]] tripudians [[/strikethrough]] ruficornis seen dancing in the sunlight in plantation.  Seven taken "with one sweep of the net" proved to comprise 5♂♂ & 2♀♀, thus suggesting that ♀♀, as well as ♂♂, take part in the "dance" & not ♂♂ only as stated by Haliday & Marshall.  I regret that these were not critically examined until 18/2/1942, when labelling & then proved to belong to ruficornis, although recorded by me as tripudians ♂♂ in Proc. R.I.A., 46, B, 9, 1941.

Cteniscus sp.?  ♂, red abd., black hind femora.
Homocidus obscuripes:  a very small black ♀.