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13.8.39 cont.  Kilkea Park, KD. cont.

Proctos.  4 at 1, 4 at 2 & Cryptoserphus parvulus [[female symbol]] at 1 or 2.

Cynipid at 2.
Chalcid with spot on wings, at 2 =
Hemipteron: at 1 = 

13.8.39. afternoon 4 till 5 P.M.

Canal bank, just above & below Tankardstown Bridge, Co. KD. 
[20 insects kept & these labelled 25/2/1942! AWS]

Tenthreda "arcuata" frequent.
Tenthredella moniliata  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]]  in Angelica: near Bogbean.
Pachynematus vagus  1[[female symbol]] .
Crabro vagus & chyrsostomus  [[female symbol, female symbol]] on Angelica - 1 kept of chrysostomus!
Ichneumon suspiciosus?  1 [[female symbol]] .
Hemiteles  1 [[female symbol]], red, with black "points" on legs.
Polyblastus  [[female symbol]] , red, red hind femora.


13.8.39 cont.  Tankardston (canal) KD. cont

Microgaster tibialis?  [[male symbol]] 
Apanteles falcatus  1 [[female symbol]] 
Dacnusa obesa miki.  [[female symbol]] 
D. areolaris  1 very nice [[female symbol]] , ant. 21-seg., pale legs.
D.? areolaris  [[male symbol]]  semitestaceous (? immature), antennae also +/- testaceous, 23-segmented - a very queer coloured insect!
Procto.  1

Hemiptera: 2 = Picro. bidens &
Coleoptera.  Ademonia tanaceti
Cassida viridis  & 
a weevil with long snout =

Earwig.  Labia minor  [[female symbol]] 

Vertigo moulinsiana swept by two path below bridge.