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30.8.39 cont.  Newtown Great, Co. Kd., cont.

Saxifraga Plume Moth taken in garden.  ?rather a late date for this.

1st Sept. 1939.
At 11 AM England & later in the day France entered the war against Germany who had attacked Poland a few days earlier.

13th Sept. 1939.
A fine day with showers.  Spent 2 hours at site of ring-mound at Lug, just West of Slade of Saggart, Co. DU. where Mr. Kilbride-Jones just finishing his "dig", then on to Glending Marsh, Co. KD., where did almost 40 minutes sweeping at S. end of marsh before going on to see George at Athgarrett House.


13.9.39 cont.  6.15 till 6.50 P.M.
South end of marshy pond, Glending, Co. KD.

Swept round edge of marsh, which was rather flooded, particularly amongst Bidens cernua but mainly along sunk ditch with Watercress &c. running SW from marsh, under hedge.  [Did not cross the fence across middle of marsh].
[17 insects mounted & these labelled 2/4/42! A.W.S.]

Bassus annulatus  [[female symbol]].
Zootrephus suspiciosus?  [[male symbol]].
Homocidus signatus  [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]].
Sagaritis annulata  [[female symbol]].
Ademon decrescens  [[female symbol]].
Aspilota rufata:  a small [[female symbol]], 15-seg. ant.
Dacnusa stramineipes  [[male symbol]] with almost black abdomen;  ant. 28-seg.
D. affinis  [[female symbol]], ant. 23-seg.
Ametria uliginosa  3 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]], with 27, 26, 25 & 22-seg. ant. respectively

A. temporalis sp. n.  ([[male symbol]], very small, with only 22-seg. ant.  [[female symbol]], much larger, but antennae broken, mesonotum granulated, matt, temples & cheeks very much swollen!  See also [[male symbol]] taken on 23/8/42(3)!  [[female symbol]] & [[male symbol]] allotype A.W.S. 28/11/1944!  
{These & last 2 spp. swept off Glyceria &c., in drain beneath hedge.}

Cynipid:  2 examples taken with sucker on cow-pats.

Mosquito:  very large [[female symbol]] Culicid = Theobaldia alaskaensis & new to Irish List:  run down by E. O'M, then by myself & finally sent to B.M. & verified by C.L. Coe (see Nixon's letter of 1942!)