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24.9.39  Athdown, WI., cont.

Aspilota viatica?  2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] at 1 & 2, with 20/21 & 19-seg. antennae;  also a [[male symbol]] at 1 with 23-seg. ant.;  and a [[male symbol]] at 2 with 25-seg. ant., both doubtfully this species.
A. vulgaris?  a small [[male symbol]] at 2, with 22-seg. ant.
A. clara  [[male symbol]] at 1, with 23-seg. ant.
A. (Synaldis) sp. n.?  1 [[female symbol]] at 1 with head smaller than distracta & antennae shorter & stouter than other species, 18-segmented.
Dacnusa striatula  1 [[female symbol]] at 2.
D. areolaris & laveipectus?  frequent:  1 [[female symbol]] areolaris kept from 1 & another [[female symbol]] from 2.
D. affinis  [[female symbol, female symbol]] very common at 1, a few at 2.
D. diremta  1 [[female symbol]] at 2.

Ephedrus:  not mounted!
Trionys roboris Hal. MS.  1 very small [[female symbol]], with pallid yellow bases to antennae & abdomen;  antennae with 11 segments, but last large enough for two; at 1.
Aphidius sp.  [[female symbol]], with 19-seg. ant. at 2.
A. sp.  [[male symbol]] with dark legs & 18-seg. ant., & [[female symbol]] with similar neuration but pale legs & 15-seg. ant. at 2.
Proctos.  6 at 1 & 15 at 2.


24.9.39 cont.  Athdown, WI., cont.

Chalcid 1 =
Coleoptera 3. =
Hemipteron 1. =

27th Sept. 1939.

A harsh sunny day, with very strong & chilly E. wind:  very few insects out.

Grand Canal, &c., E. of Landenstown House, Co. KD.
1 = S. bank of canal, 1/8 mile below Landenstown Ho. gate
2 = plantation S. of road & just E. of No.1
3 = boggy field, drains, &c. at Digby Bridge, 1/2 mile E. of 1.

[21 from 1, 7 from 2 & 15 from 3 mounted & these labelled 13/4/42! AWS]

Bombus agrorum  several seen at 1.
Myrmica laevinodis  [[juvenile symbol, juvenile symbol]] common at 1, one mounted & kept.
Hemiteles  [[female symbol]] at 1.
Phygadeuonid (? Microcryptus)  [[male symbol]], red abd., at 1.
Pezomachus rufulus?  [[female symbol]] at 3.
Exolytus  1 at 3.
Polyblastus  [[male symbol]] at 3.
Homocidus signatus, large [[male symbol]] at 1
Curyproctus nemoralis?  1 [[female symbol]] at 1.

Snail.  Vertigo moulinsiana swept in reed bed at 1 (See also