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14th Dec. 1939.  
A fine cold day, E. wind.
In forenoon drove to Rockbrook, Co. DU. & walked up to Pine Forest, climbing up through same to slope of Tibradden. 
In upper belt of wood many spruce trees that would pay beating & one lovely sheltered glade that should well repay working in summer.

20th Dec. 
Still dry, cold, E.wind; very dark & gloomy in Dublin but much sun over the hills.  Drove to "Judys Pinch" in Slade of Saggart & walked E. up bye-road to Mount Siskin & back.  The glen above "the embankment" looks well worth working & can be got at from this road.


On 29th Jan 1940 at 9 P.M. 
A [[female symbol]] Blacus (? B. trivialis) came to my table light in drawing room, but subsequently escaped out of a tube part a loose cork.  It probably came from a pot of hyacinth of which there were several in the room! A.W.S.

On 2.4.40 a dead [[female symbol]] Blacus found in bowl of electric light in drawing room, which is almost certainly the same insect.  It proved to be a B. humilis? & not trivialis!  A.W.S 2.4.1940!