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17th April 1940.  After a fine cold bright morning, the afternoon was mainly dull, with slight showers of snow & hail. Snow on higher hills after 3 cold & showery days in succession.

In afternoon, drove to Glenasmole & spent a couple of hours about N.E. corner of upper reservoir & also visited the "willow glade" (opposite Mr. Moore's). Except Bumbles very few insects out.

Glenasmole, Du. 3.15 till 5.0 P.M. Bombus 1 ☿ seen on willow bush in middle of upper dam, which I feel sure was a B. jonellus from its small size : if not B. jonellus it can only have been a tiny ☿ of B. lucorum, which is most improbable. A very early date for a ☿, even in a good year!

B. lucorum ♀♀ very common at willows
B. hortorum, 1 ♀ seen on Primrose flower by the footbridge.
B. [[?]] 1 ♀ seen
Psithyrus distinctus 1 ♀ in willow glade.


17.4.40 cont. Glenasmole, Du. cont.
Hemiteles 1 ♀ beaten out of holly near Moore's
Agrypon 1 ♂ swept off Salix in glade.
Beetle (Staph!) swept under trees near Moore' = Deliphrum tectum Payk. fide E.O.'M.
NB. Some Salix cinerea ♀ trees in good leaf, ♂♂ still in flower, S. aurita in full flower on E. side of upper reservoir; some birch showing leaves, others not at all; hazel leaves just bursting buds

17.4.40. First Small White Butterfly (♂) seen in back garden, 14 Clareville Rd., at 2 P.M. Andromeda (in tub) & Arctostaphylos uva-ursi in back garden in flower, the plant of the latter from Agnes Hill with 3 flower spikes, first turn of flowering since collected & brought into garden in 1911 (?)

Carex stricta now in full flower & showed stamen first on 13th or 14th April.