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2.5.40 cont.  Deputy's Pass, Co. WI. cont. 

Campoplegids: about 10: none mounted! 

Helictes 1 ♂: not mounted! 
Plectiscus  1 ♀ at 2.

Thersilochus?  1 ♀ at ? l, long terebra 
Th.?  ♂♂ & 1 ♀ at 2, on birch, on W. side of Pass: short terebra.

Bracon sp. near fraudator  ♂ & ♀ at 1.
Oncophanes longecornis m.?  ♀ at 2.
Colastes braconius  ♂♂ at 2: not kept.
Exothecus incestus?  ♂ & ♀ at 2, with 33 (♂) & 38 (♀) segmented antennae;  ♂ wings badly torn!
Apanteles fulvipes?  ♂ at 2, ♀ at 1.
A. circumscriptus?  ♀ at 2.
Meteorus melanostictus  1 ♂ at 2
Microstomus longicauda  1 ♂ at 2


2.5.40, cont.  Deputy's Pass, &c., cont.

Opius sp.?  2 ♀♀ (one at 1, = latifrons sp. n. See below:  the other at 2 - ? same species, darker legs), ? same species & both with 21-seg. antennae;  one has trace of a dimple - quite a good dimple! AWS. 23.1.44!;  both faintly rugulose tergite 1;  wont run to any species [[strikethrough]] but put next communis [[/strikethrough]] - latifrons sp. n. miki ♀, type! AWS. 23.1.1944.

Aspilota semirugosa?  2 ♀♀ with 17 (18) segmented antennae & also 2 ♂♂ with dark legs, also no dimple, & 22 & 24-seg. antennae, quite unlike the ♀♀, but ? same sp.;  all at 2.
A. (Synaldis) sp.? = concolor? AWS. 6.10.42  3 ♂♂, dark legs, 19, 21 & 22-seg. ant. at 2.

Dacnusa aerolaris  1 ♀ at 1, not kept.
D. longiradialis  1 at 1, robust, darkish legs.
Praon volucre?  ♂ at 2, with 19-seg. ant.
Ephedrus plagiator  1 ♂ at 1
Monoctomus caricis  1 ♀ at 2.
Aphidius cirsii  ♀ at 1, with 16-seg. antennae.

Proctos:  only 1 mtd (from 1)

Chalcids } none mounted!
Cynipids } none mounted!

For Sawflies P.T.O.