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5.5.40 cont.  Rye Water, KD. cont.

Cryptines  ♂♂ & ♀♀, about 8-10  None mounted!

Exochus flavomarginatus  ♂ (?)
Campoplegids  2 or 3.  Not mounted!

Swift seen at 1:30 PM over canal at Harolds' & again in evening"

Apanteles  3: not mtd.
Microplitus √  1 ♀ = M. mediana?

Aspilota (Synaldis) parvicornis  1 ♂

Ephedrus plagiator √ 1 ♀
Monoctonus caricis √  1 ♂
Aphidius cf polygoni Marshall.  ♀, very nice, stout sp. with 13-seg. ant., the last very large

Proctos.  About a dozen, mainly Platygasterinae  1 mtd.

6th May 1940.
Rogas circumstriptus  ♂ taken by E. O'Mahony at St. Anne's, Clontarf, Co. DU.  Var with all red femora.


7th May 1940.

A poor day, dull, chilly, with W. wind, but no real rain or showers all day.  Insects naturally scarce after previous week's warmer weather.

Drove at 11.30 AM to R. Slaney at Ballyhubbock Bridge, Glen of Imaal & after lunch collected for about an hour on right bank of Slaney below the bridge (= 1), beating or sweeping;  then on to the Metal Bridge just below junction of Little Slaney & Slaney, near Davidstown, where in some nice ground swept for an hour on left bank of Little Slaney, above "meeting of the waters" (= 2).  All Co. WI.

Right bank of R. Slaney, below Ballhubbock Br. 1.45 till 2.45 P.M. = 1
Left bank of Little Slaney, above the Metal Bridge.  3.0 till 4.0 P.M. = 2.

21 from 1 & 14 from 2 mounted & these labelled 8/10/1942! AWS.

Bombus lucorum & agrorum  A few ♀♀ of each.
B. jonellus  1 ♀ seen enter & leave hollow on bank at 2.
Andrena jacobi  1 very fresh ♂ at 1, beaten
Nomada marshamella & probably bifida at 1.
Bethylus fuscicornis, one short-winged at 1.