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7.5.40, cont. Ballyhubbock &c. Glen of Imaal, WI. cont.

Dolerus madidus  1 ♂ at 2.
Pachynematus vagas  1 ♀ at 2.
3 spp. sawflies at 1, beaten off thorn & willow = Allantus pallipes ♀, Pristiphora ruficornis ♂ & Trichiocampus eradiatus? ♂.
Also 3 at 2 = Selandria cinercipes? ♂, Blennocampa subcana √ ♀ [√ R B Benson, 11.3.43. = confusa Konow.]
Cryptines  many ♂♂ & a few ♀♀ at 1 & 2, including
Hemiteles  ♀, long terebra, banded wings, black thorax.
Phygadeuon  ♀
Cratocryptus??  ♂, matt abdomen, white-mared clypeus & mandibles
Only these 3 Cryptinids mounted.
Bassus varicoxa √  1 ♂ at 1, beaten out of "hedge" at 1
Zootrephus suspiciosus √  1 ♀ in marsh at 1
Homocidus obscuripes  3 or 4 at 1: not mtd.
Picrostigeus recticauda?  ♀ at 1

Helictes  1 ♂ at 1: not mtd.
Campoplegids about a dozen at 1 & 2.  1 ♂ only mounted = 


7.5.40, cont.  Ballyhubbock, &c., WI, cont.

Bracon sp. near guttiger  1 ♀ at 1, testaceous hind tibiae, cf. ♀ from Devils Glen 20.5.32
B. eptriptus?  1 ♂ at 2
Apanteles  3 or 4
A. fulvipes?  ♀ only mounted.

Phaenocarpa conspurcator  2 small ♀♀, beaten off hedge at 1.
Aspilota nigrescens?  ♂ at 1, 19-seg. ant.;  very small & black (legs).
A. (Synaldis) concolor?  1 ♂ at 1, 1 ♂ at 2, with 22 & 20-seg. ant. resp.
Also A. (S.) distracta  ♀ at 2 with broken antennae.
A. (S.) gracilipes?  1 very small ♀, at 1, with 16-seg. ant.
Orthostigma curvicaudata?  ♂ at 1, with 25-seg. ant.
Dacnusa gilvipes  1 large ♀ at 2.
D. areolaris at 1.
D. laevipectus?  at 1 & 2.
D. melanocera?  1 at 2.
D. melanocera 1 at 2.   2 ♂♂, not normal, dark legs, 28 & 25-seg. ant., probably this species.

Monoctonus caricis  2 ♂♂ at 1
Aphidius  6 or 7 at 1 & 2: only two kept:-
= A. cirsii?  ♂, with 19-seg. ant. at 1.
A. sp.?  ♀, with 17-seg. ant., but does not agree with anything in Marshall: at 1.  Possible a dark form of cirsii?

Proctos.  4 mounted (2 from 1 & 2 from 2!) = Exallonyx group 2?  ♂
 at 2;