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8th May 1940. 

A fine afternoon after a dull morning with some drizzle, vegetation in open mostly too wet to sweep, dry under trees.  Very hot sun after 4 P.M.  Cool N. breeze.

Glenasmole, Co. DU.  3.30 - 5.30 P.M.
Only collected in two places, as follows

1 = under trees just above Moore's house & between path to footbridge & path to up. dam.
2 = under trees between Moore's garden & river & along river to head of lower reservoir.

15 mounted from 1 & 16 from 2, these labelled 9/10/1942!  The remainder of the catch not listed & put in paper!  A.W.S.

Anteon  ♂ & ♀ at 2.
Monsoma pulverata  ♀, at 2.
Empria  ♀ at 2.
Euura saliceti?  ♂ at 2.
Pontania  ♀ at 2.
Phaeogenid  ♀ at 1 = Proscus suspicax?
Atractodes  ♂ at 2.
Pimpla flavicornis?  ♂ & ♀ at 1.
Campoplegid  ♂ at 2 =
Helictes  ♂ at 2.
Rogas circumscriptus?  ♂ at 1;  var. with all red femora.


8.5.40, cont.  Glenasmole, Co. DU., cont.

Earinus ochropes?  1 ♂ at 1, another at 2;  both with bisinuata radius.
Opius caelatus  ♂ at 1
Aphaerata major  ♂ at 2.
Dacnusa obesa?  at 2 (♀?) } darker legs than some specimens so labelled!  AWS 12.10.42
D. obesa?  at 2, ♂ } darker legs than some specimens so labelled!  AWS 12.10.42
D. laevipectus?  at 2, ♀

Ephedrus lacertosus  ♀♀ at 1 & 2.
Praon volucre  ♂ at 1
P. flavinodis?  at 1, small ♂, 20-seg. ant.
Aphidius cirsii?  ♂ at 1, 18-seg. ant. } Probably all belong to suspiciosus, though not all same in colour.
A. cirsii?  ♀ at 1, 16-seg. ant. } Probably all belong to suspiciosus, though not all same in colour.
A. cirsii?  ♀ at 1, 16-seg. ant. } Probably all belong to suspiciosus, though not all same in colour.

Proctos.  2 at 1 & 1 at 2
= Phaenoserphus fuscipes  ♀ at 1
Cryptoserphus aculeator  ♀ at 2.
cf Paramesius? sp. at 1.

Coccinella ocellata at 1.