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3.8.40, cont.  Landenstown Ho., KD. cont.

Blacus ambulans?  ♂ at 1: 
B. ruficornis?  small ♂ at 3.
Opius truncator  1 ♀ at 3: ? off willow on W. side of Barley field.
Biosteres carbonarius?  ♂ at 3.
Aphaereta major  ♂ at 1.
Phaenocarpa tabida,  ♂ at 3. 
Ph. flavipes?  ♂ at 3.
Aspilota dentifemur miki, a nice ♀ at 1, ant. 19-segmented.  
A. nigrescins?   2 ♂♂ at 1, ant. 21 & 22. 
A. cynipidis?  a ♀ at 1, with rather dark antennae, 20-segmented, &c.
A. fuscicornis?  2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, rather dark, ant. 18, 19, & 17 resp. at 1   

A. sp.?  ♂, with dimple, 21-seg. ant. at 1: could be a small male of falsifica?
Orthostigma robusta??  a small ♀ at 1, ant. 20, mandible very curved;  head large from canaliculate, propodeum rather smooth, &c.  

Dacnusa leptogaster  1 dark ♂ at 2, ant. broken
D. eros,  3 ♂♂ at 1, & 1 ♀ at 3.
D. senilis  2 ♂♂ at 3.
D. evadne  1 ♂ at 3.
D. elegantula  ♂ at 2.
D. aphanta  ♂ at 2.
D. melanocera  ♂ at 2, ant. 27;  var. grossa ♂ at 1, another at 2, ant. 30-31.
D. cortipalpis  ♀ at 2, ant. 32.
D. siniffa  3 ♂♂ at 2, ant. 26 27 & 28
D. esbelta  ♀ at 2, ant. 32.

Coelinius n. sp. Sligo?  ♂ at 3


3.8.40, cont.  Landenstown Ho., KD., cont.

Proctos.  2 at 1 & 2 at 3.
Chalcid.  1 at 1.

6th August 1940.  Garden, 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross DU.
Agrypon  ♂ & ♀, dark species.
Bracon triangulator  ♂.
Meteorus chrysothalmus  A fine ♀, ant. broken.

10th August 1940.

A blustery day, strong N.W. wind, some showers, with rising glass, after a slight depression.  Sat. aft.

With A.M. Gwynn (in his car), & Neal Rankin (of Belfast) who is up in Dublin doing 2 months training at the Rotunda Hospital - a very nice boy.

Went to Powerscourt Deerpark, arring 4 P.M., did an hour's collecting, almost entirely sweeping oak & birth, on W. side of Avenue 1/2-way up to waterfall, where there is shelter;