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10.8.40, cont. Powerscourt, Co. WI cont.

After tea (5 P.M.) did 1 1/2 hours sweeping in demesne, under tree, amongst nettle, &c. for 1/4 mile below gate; left for home at 7.30 via old road to Glencree & Feather Bed.

1 = deerpark. 2 = demesne.
[23 from 1 mounted, 40 from 2, & these labelled 4/4/43 et seq.! A.W.S.]

Vespa vulgaris a curious congregation of ☿☿ seen on trunk of large oak at 1, apparently at some sap oozing out of trunk; they were so tightly wedged over the spot that they had not room to move & covered an area about 4" x 4" with numerous Diptera skirmishing outside the "scrum".

Crabro clavipes  A ♀︎ fell into Gwynn's tea & was killed, at 1
Salius exaltatus  1 ♀︎ seen hunting at 1.

Ichneumon deliratorius  1 ♂︎ at 1, not kept.
Cratichneumon  ♂︎♂︎, 1 ♀︎ not kept.
Sawfly: Phyllotoma vagans ♀︎ at 2
Phygadeuon? ♂︎ & possibly ♀︎ of same sp. at 1 =
Hemiteles:  pallid, very small, ♂︎ & ♀︎ at 2 =


Powerscourt, Co. WI., cont.

Atractodes ♀︎  at 2.
Schizopyga "atra"? ♂︎♀︎ at 1.
Pimpla turionellae group.  2♂︎♂︎, 1 ♀︎ , very small; not kept
Lissonota bellator  ♂︎ & ♀︎ seen at 1, not kept

Eclytus fontinalis:  2 ♀︎♀︎ at 2.
Picrostigeus recticauda?  1 ♀︎, not kept:  ♂︎ see below!
[[strikethrough]] Stenomacrus [[/strikethrough]] pallid ♂︎ at 2, ant. 29.  Probably ♂︎ of Picrostigeus recticauda! A.W.S. 5.4.1943
Promethes cognatus  ♂︎ & ♀︎, not kept.
P. sulcatus  not kept.
Triclistus , at 1, ant. 24.
St. merula?  ♂︎ at 1 (ant. 26!)
Paniscus (Parabatus) cristatus Th.?  1 ♂︎, 1 ♀︎ at oaks at 1
Campoplegids about 6 or 7 only but kept only one - Dioctes exareolatus?  ♀︎ from 1.

Mesochorus  ♀︎ at 2.

Transcription Notes:
Ichneumon on p. 169 - looks like species may have originally been spelled deliritorius, then changed to deliratorius. (I think the latter is correct.)