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11th August 1940. 

A fine day, cloud & sun, with rather chilly W. wind, strong to moderate, but no rain.

Drove to George's Bridge, on R. Slaney where it leaves Glen of Imaal & collected for an hour before lunch;  then on to ruined barracks at Leitrim, near Stranahely (as before) & swept under birch & alder plantation, one west of road, the other east of the road, for about an hour each;  finally collected for nearly an hour under trees, &c., 1/2 mile E. of Ballinaclea Ho.  
All Co. WI.

12.0 till 1.0 P.M. 1 = George's Bridge, left bank of R. Slaney for 1/4 mile above bridge, but chiefly the "wuzzy" at bend of river.

3 till 4 P.M. 2 = plantation W of road from Knickeen to R. Slaney} Leitrim Barracks

4 till 5 P.M. 3 = plantation E of road from Knickeen to R. Slaney} Leitrim Barracks

5 till 5.50 P.M. 4 = under beech, &c, trees 1/2 mile E of Ballinaclea Ho.

Bombus lucorum ♂︎; B. lapidarius ♂︎ & ☿ & B. agrorum ☿☿ seen, but few.
Halictus calceatus  ♂︎♂︎ swept at 1.
Salius exaltatus  ♂︎ at 3.
Vespa vulgaris &? rufa seen, ☿☿
Bethylus cephalotes  1 large ♀︎ swept at 1.

52 from 1
from 2
from 3
39 from 4


11.8.40, cont.  Glen of Imaal, WI., cont.

Anteon (?flavicornis)  ♀︎ at 1, testaceous antennae.
A. ephippiger v. collare  ♀︎ at 1, reddish blotches on prothorax.
A. ruficornis?  ♀︎ at 2, same as next (?) but with large wings
A. ruficornis? var subapterus  1♀︎, short wings, same (?) as taken in birch at station 3(also today's "3") on 21.7.40.
Myrmica scabrinodis  ☿☿, examned, at 1.
Formica fusca, winged ♀︎ swept at 3;  the only winged ant seen all day.
Tenthreda "arcuata" very common on Angelica &c. at 1
Taxonus equiseti  1♀︎ at 1.
Pristiphora ruficornis  1♂︎ at 3 var. crassicornis??
P. pallidiventris  1♀︎ at 1.

Sten-Ichneumon culpator  1 black ♀︎ at 1.
Cratocryptus?  ♀︎ at 2, ant. 22.
Plectrocryptus??  ♂︎ at 4, white-marked, ant. 30.
Phygadeuon brachypterous ♀︎, red thorax, at 2 =
Phygadeuon brachypterous ♀︎, black thorax, at 3 =
Phygadeuon?  very black ♀︎, small, dark wings, very nice!  at 1, ant. 19 =
Phygadeuon? or Hemiteles?  black, red legs, ♂︎, ant. 25, at 1 =