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5.9.40, cont.  Glenasmole & Slade Bk., DU., cont.

Chaenusa conjungens frequent:  1♀︎ kept with micro-striate base to 2nd abd. segment & a normal ♀︎ kept for comparison; both types 2; ant. 21 & 20, respectively.

Ephedrus plagiator  ♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎, at 2.

Aphidius: only about six seen all day & none kept.

Proctos:  very common: few kept; only 3 from 1, 2 from 3 & 1 from 3
= Exallonyx longicornis  ♀︎ at 1. 
Phaenoserphus pallipes  ♂︎ & ♀︎ at 1. 
Exallonyx microcerus  2♀︎♀︎ at 2, one with reddish ant.
Exallonyx? cf confusus Nix?  ♂︎ at 3. 

Red Admiral butterfly seen at 2 on Loosestrife
Wall Butterfly very common.
Common Blue & Small Copper autumn brood seen

Hemiptera 2 spp.
=  -  2 at 1.
-  1 at 2.


8th Sept. 1940.

A cold day, NW wind & showers in afternoon, following great drop in temperature on previous night & the first real rain for a long time.  Did not go out till afternoon, then drove to Glending, channel W. of Blessington!, arriving just at end of a very cold & drenching shower, with everything soaking, while another shower at 5 PM. again wet everything.  In wood, along road, insects in amazing quantity (mostly Icks & Proctos) especially after previous scarcity.     

Swept first along road under beech, &c., trees at S. end of channel, & off lower branches of same, this in Co. KD (= 1);  later on WI side of wall & under oak, ash, &c., chiefly off young ash 2 at N. end of channel (= 2); between 6 & 6.30 swept a little round tarns at head of channel & under hedge near same, in CO. KD. (= 3) but vegetation too wet, wind too strong, edges of ponds too tramped by cattle & ripe seeds of Bidens cernua too troublesome in net.

[No Aculeates or Sandflies seen at all!]

17 specimens from 1 36 from 2 & 19 from 3 mounted & these labelled April 1943 - the last labelled before the season 1943 opened & kept me busy, but not sorted & put away till Oct 1943.

Hypomecus quadrimaculatus  2♀︎♀︎ at 1 & 2.
Cratichneumon cf. rufifrons  1♂︎ at 2.

Transcription Notes:
Left margin notes for pg. 200 transcribed at end of text.