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8.9.40, cont.  Glending, Co. KD-WI cont.

Toxares deltigir  2♀︎♀︎ at 3:  1♀︎ labelled 18/3/41! & the other in 1943.
Aphidius spp. very rare, 1♂︎ at 2, a few ♂︎♂︎ at 3, none kept except 1♀︎ A. urticae? at 1, ant. 18.

Proctos.  Very abundant (but [[strikethrough]] few [[/strikethrough]] only 3 kept) mostly Phaenoserphids.
Those kept:-
Exallonyx cf. confusus  ♀︎ at 2.
Aneurrhynchus  at 1.
Diapriid at 1 =

Chalcid  1 mtd.

Wall Butterflies common along roadside.


10th Sept. 1940. 

A fine day, mainly dull, windy (NW) after some rain and a rather deep depression had passed during the night. 

Drove to Kilkea Park, Co. KD., with A.M. Gwynn and Miss Jeanie Thomson, where met Rev. K.M. Dunlop of Athy:  arrived at 11.30 A.M. left at 6.30 P.M.  Collected before lunch near where car left at E. end of deerpark (= 1);  after lunch from same place to ENE Corner of deerpark in sides & under trees &c. (= (2);  then along sheltered sides of wheat-stubble field E. of demesne (= 3);  after tea collected a very few insects in same part of woods as 2 (= 4).

[Kept 25 from 1, 41 from 2, 13 from 3 & 5 from 4 & these labelled 10.10.43 et seq.  Also 5 labelled in 1941, see below.]

Kilkea Park, Co. KD.

Psithyrus campestris  Worn ♂︎♂︎ of rossiellus & 1 fresh ♂︎ of var. panciscanus.
[Except some Myrmica ☿☿, & pupa of Dryinid referred to below, no other aculeate & no sawfly seen all day]
Dryinid pupa (in sack) on side of green & yellow bag on nettles at 2:  long narrow small bug which is very abundant at this season:  never emerged!
Oronotus binotatus  ♀︎ at 1.