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15-9-40, cont.  R. Canal, KD., cont.

Larvae of sawflies

One plant of Salix (? purpurea) with very small narrow pale green leaves almost defoliated by side of canal; about 6-8 larvae found & brought home. (See below!)

Many green & greyish larvae swept off grass (?) &c. by tow-path: one of these brought home as it had 2 (one black, 1 brown) larvae like objects visible beneath its skin, the black one forward, the brown one aft, & as well had a stalked egg [[image]] on pedicel between head & 1st thoracic segment.  Another not brought home had a white projecting mark [[image]] on its back in centre of about 2nd segment behind head.

From the above larvae emerged in 1941 the following: -

13th May  1♀︎ Pteronidia melanopis & 2 other ♀︎♀︎ a few days later, which latter I put out on Salix     
cinerea in garden.
5th June.  A large ♂︎ Mesoleius appeared in pot.

30th May.  A ♂︎ sawfly : Pontania }
9th June  A ♀︎ Pontania, with dark stigma }
14th June  A ♂︎ Pontania, with dark stigma }
16th June  A  ♀ Pontania, with dark stigma }
} Possibly bred from galls on S. purpurea some of which were brought home.


19th Sept. 1940.

A perfect morning (during which I cut the front hedge) with heavy showers in afternoon & increasing, strong S.W.-W. wind, mild, after a deep depression.  In afternoon drove to Glenasmole & swept in three places above Moore's.  Many insects out in shelter.  Heavy shower at 5 P.M. ended collecting.

Glenasmole, Co. DU.  3 till 5 P.M.

1 = by path from Moore's to upper dam (i.e. W. path!)
2 = on shore of upper reservoir just below where pipe from Slade Brook Channel is taken into reservoir
3 = same as 1 only swept in reverse direction & including area under trees just above Moore's.

Bombus agrorum  A few torpid ♂︎♂︎ seen & ☿☿.
Ichneumonidae.  Very few Vol. 1, plenty Vol. 2, especially Leptocryptus;  hardly any Vol. III, unless Plectiscids counted & these numerous;  only a few Vol. IV;  & of Vol. V only Mesochorus spp. common, only one Campoplegid & one Thersilochid taken.  The following only kept as noted.

[34 kept & these labelled 3/1/1942 (15 from 1, 12 from 2 & 7 from 3)]

Aethecerus or Phaeogenes?  1 red ♀︎ at 1.
Pezomachus sp.?  1♂︎, wingless, at 3.
Hemiteles sp.?  ♀︎, long terebra, at 2.
H. ?  ♂︎ at 2
Exolytus  ♀︎ at 3.
Ichneumon or Amblyteles?  ♂︎ at 2.