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19.9.40, cont.  Glenasmole, DU. cont.

Proctos.  Very common in places, especially at 2, but only a few kept. 
3 from 1, 2 from 2 and 1 (wingless) from 3 kept.

Exallonyx microcerus Kieffer,  1♀︎
Cryptoserphus cumaeus Nixon  1♀︎
Phaenoserphus viator Hal.  a short winged ♀︎. 
A.W.S. 4/1/1942

20.9.1940. Taken on log, in St. Anne's, Clontarf, Co. DU., by E. O'Mahony. 
Hemitele  ♀︎, long terebra
Spathius exarator, small ♀︎

22nd Sept. 1940. 

A fine day, during a depression, after a wet night & early morning, but spoiled by heavy dampness at 3:30 P.M.

Drove, with Neal Rankin (from Belfast), to road at Luggala gate & walked down road to L. Dan, where had lunch:  beautifully sunny from arrival til 2.0 P.M.  Returning to car crossed river 1/4 mile above Ballinrush Cottage & walked up stream (left bank) & through oak-wood to road to said cottage & so back to car.  Swept a few insects along roadside on way down, including a nice black Dacnusa, but almost all insects


taken swept on left bank of Annamoe River along edge of scrub & in oak-wook:  insects very rare except on one or two oaks in shelter where they teemed, especially various spp. of Phenoserphids.  All labeled "L. Dan"

Valley of Annamoe River, for one mile above L. Dan, Co. WI. 
[48 insects kept & these labelled 6/1/1942! AWS.)

Bombus agrorum  1♂︎ swept.
B. lucorum  1♂︎ seen near car on moor.
Halictus calceatus  1♂︎ swept. 
Formica fusca  1☿ swept in oak wood
Myrmica scabrinodis  1♂︎ swept
Hemiteles sp.  ♀︎.
H. sp.  ♀︎.
Stilpnus gagates  ♂︎ ? not kept.
S. red  ♀︎.
Exolytus  ♂︎.

Pimpla similis  1♀︎ examined & released.
P. depositor  1♀︎
Promethes scutellarus  ♂︎.