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22.9.40, cont.  L. Dan, W1, cont.

Mesoleius  1♀︎.
Cteniscus  1♂︎.
Stenomacrus ventralis  ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎, abundant on oak.
St. vafer?  ♂︎, 20-21-seg. ant.
St. cubiceps?  ♀︎, 23-seg. ant.
St. deletus?  ♀︎ with areolet, 23-seg. ant.
St. laricis?  2♀︎♀︎, red ant., 27-seg. ant. (in one, other broken).
Campoplegids:  about 6 but kept only one
= Anilasta varicoxa Th.?  1♀︎, 32-seg. ant.
Dicolus  1♂︎
Rhogas circumscriptus?  1♂︎, 39-seg. ant.
Meteorus leviventris  1♀︎.
Blacus trivialis  1♀︎.
Eubadizon extensor  1♀︎ not kept.

Alloea contracta  ♀︎.
Aspilota atra?  a small ♂︎, ant. 25-seg.
A. viatica?  2♀︎♀︎, ant. 21-seg.
A. vulgaris?  large, ♂︎ & ♀︎, ant. 23 & 19.
A. ? same as last, v. small ♀︎, ant. 17-seg. long

Dacnusa sp. near ovalis?  1♀︎, 29-seg. ant., red 2nd tergite, &c. swept along roadside about 1/2 mile N. of Ballinrush on way down valley.
Same as ♀︎ from Clara, WI, 4.9.38! AWS. & Glenasmole p.226 ->
D. cytherea  1♂︎, ant. 30-seg.
D. areolaris  several on way back:  1♀︎, 20-seg. ant. kept, darkish legs.
Aphidius  1♂︎:  not kept.

Proctos, most abundant & nearly all on oaks.  20 kept = 
Cryptoserphus laricis  3♂︎♂︎
Phaenoserphus viator Hal.  2♀︎♀︎.
Ph. calcar  1♂︎.
Ph. pallipes  1♂︎.
Exallonyx brevicornis Hal.  ♀︎.
Ex. ater  2♀︎♀︎.
Ex. microcerus  3♀︎♀︎.
These Phenoserphids identified with Nixon's tables 7/1/1942 AWS. & so labelled.


22.9.40, cont.  L. Dan, WI.

Oxylabis?  3♀︎♀︎.
Galesus  1♂︎
& 3 other Proctos.

24th Sept. 1940.

A cold day, but mild in shelter & warm in sunny intervals, after rain at night:  afternoon spoiled by shower at 3 p.m., just as we reached head of reservoir:  almost sunless after this shower with cold NW wind blowing up valley.

At 6 p.m. a jam which had formed towards Dublin reached Bohernabreena & we drove home on flooded roads & through heavy rain.

Later drove to Amiens St. to meet Daisy & George, the latter just out of Lisburn Fern hospital where he had been shut up with scarlateria for five weeks.

Glenasmole, Co. DU (with E. O'Mahony) 3.0 till 6.0 P.M.