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24.9.40, cont.  Glenasmole, DU., cont.

1 = Swept under trees at head of upper reservoir where pipe comes in from Slade Brook channel & along edge (W) of reservoir where boat is moored.
2 = Under trees from upper dam to Moore's by path.
3 = Under trees at hut half way down W. side of lower reservoir & for 100 yards below hut. 

[Besides those previously labelled, 6 from 1, 36 from 2 & 23 from 3 labelled 9.1.1942! AWS.]

Mirax spartii Hal. (= M. rufilabris Hal.) 1♀︎ swept at 1 on shore just above boat & not five minutes after I had been telling O'Mahony how I never could get this species on broom as Haliday did.  At this place there is no broom, but this is abundant by the Slade channel not far away.  [Labelled, with 3 other "icks", 27/1/41! AWS]


24.9.40, cont. Glenasmole, DU., cont.

Stenomacrus pictus or sp. near this?  1♀︎ at 1.
Platylabus pedatorius  ♀︎ at 1.
Phygadeuon?  red sp.  1♀︎, ant. 20-seg. at 3.
Phyg.?  small black sp.  1♀︎, 23 seg. ant. (? Hemiteles) at 1.
Hemiteles bicolorinus group  1♂︎ at 1
Pezomachus  ♀︎ at 2.
P. -  ♀︎ at 2.
Exolytus?  sp.?  1♀︎ at 2, small.
Lissonota commixta  A large ♀︎ of the usual Irish form at 2, hind coxae, trochanter & femora black.
Polyblastus  black femora  1♀︎ at 3.
Eridolius bimaculatus?  ♀︎, [[strikethrough]] small [[/strikethrough]], at 3.
Mesoleius  2♂︎♂︎ taken by E. O'M., 2♀︎♀︎ at 3 by AWS.
M.  red sp.  1♂︎ at 3.
Exochus flavomarginatus?  ♀︎ ? at 1, (either this or pictus?).
Stenomacrus confinis?  1♀︎ at 2, ant. 21-seg.
St. ? same as last.  1♂︎ at 3, ant. broken at 19th seg.
St. vafer?  2♂︎♂︎, at 2, with ant. 21 & 22-seg.

Promethes scultellaris  ♀︎ at 2.
Anilasta? sp.?  ♂︎, black, 32-seg. ant. at 3.
Mesochorus sp.  ♀︎ at 2.
Plectiscus  ♀︎ at 2, ant. 20-seg.