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9th Oct. 1940. 
Heavy rain all day from NE, veering round via N. to NW.  Could not collect during day.

10th Oct 1940. 
Shower in morning from W. but afternoon fine, with considerable sun

Too wet to collect, but in afternoon went with Miss L. E. Crofton past Drumard parish church (at Tanrego), through the oyster beds, laid down about 60(?) years ago by Lady Crofton's father (Mr. Verschoyle), but now long derelict;  next we went out towards the point, then south over the ridge, which has quite a high limestone scarp facing S.;  then back to church & home to tea at Toberfechin (or Glebe House, formerly the rectory, now Lady Crofton's).  Most of the area covered was formerly covered at high tide but is now fresh water marsh or water meadows;  the former mostly covered by Alder scrub, but all very sheltered & should provide very fine collecting ground in good weather & at the right season.  Miss Crofton showed me Bartsia viscosa in several places.


11th Oct. 1940. 
A fine morning with sun till 11.30, then dull till 4 P.M. when a drizzle started & wind dropped. 

Drove to Ballysadare to get petrol, then via Collooney & Coolaney (near this) to Glen Wood, mainly plantation of Beech, Elm & Pine on native scrub of Birch, Rowan, White Beam, Hazel, Thorn & Salix cinerea, over an area of half-a-mile square, across which run numerous scarps in the old metamorphic rocks, deep in lovely mosses, with some filmy fern (H. tunbridgense!) & masses of Lastrea dilatata & Blechnum.  Through this tangle of cliffs & scarps there appeared to me to run a series of overflow-channels draining northwards, but these so obscured by the wood that I am not sure & they may be "natural" & not of glacial origin.  I do not think I have ever seen a more varied moss-flora, more fungi or a better place for [[?mynos]], when in season.

Did a little sweeping, but ground vegetation still dripping & too wet; therefore 

Transcription Notes:
. looked up all spelling