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12.10.40, aft.

In afternoon drove Faris & J. Cole to the Glen Wood ("The Enchanted Wood" of Mrs. Crichton) through which we walked & then along scarps to W. of same. Saw plenty of Hymenophyllum unilaterale (peltatum) on "cliffs" & of H. tunbridgense [[tunbrigense]] in glen, when Faris took 2 [[strike through]] or 3 [[/strike through]] insects (=Myrmica scabrinodis: winged ♀.
& Hemiphanes gravator ? ♂ (antennae broken).
but I did not collect anything except a fully winged ♀ of Myrmica scabrinodis in the wood.

13th Oct 1940.  After a stormy night, a fine day (no rain) but very windy (S) & no sun.  In morning Faris drove J. Cole & self over gap SE. of L. [[Ackree?]] & to cottage near L. Minnaun on S. slope of Knockackree.  Here are quite good scarps (almost cliffs) above lake, but the chief plants are few, the best (well-known to Miss Crofton) is the Beech Fern which we saw in some quantity just S. of the largest "waterfall" & at [[front?]] of same.  Cardnus pratensis curiously common all over the cliff

13.10.40.   Lough Minnaun, Co. SL., cont

which also has on it odd patches of scrub, with oak, birch, hazel, holly, rowan & Salix aurita.  The last covered with beautiful galls on the leaves & stems.
In afternoon walked through Tanrego to sea-bank & showed F. & C. Bartsia viscosa & c.  Faris & Miss Cole left for home about 6 P.M.

14th Oct 1940.  Except between 10 & 11.30 AM. drizzle & SE.E. wind all day, after a windy night & slight shower at 9 AM.  Nearly everything too wet to sweep, but some insects taken by sweeping in shelter in lane between Carrowgarry & Tanrego & about "Sweeney's Castle" (in ruins); then later (till 12.30 noon) walked along shore as far as Ballinlig inlet & back, but too windy to collect there.


Transcription Notes:
On p. 239 - Ackree & Knockackree may be misspellings of Acree & Knockacree.