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14/10/40, "AM.", cont.  Carrowgarry. SL. cont. 

Insects swept in lane and about “Sweeney's Castle”, 10.0–11.0 A.M.
[9 specimens labelled on 11/4/1941, including 2 Opii which were put away! AWS]

Orthocentrus sannio?  1♀︎, 24-seg. ant.
Apanteles lateralis  1♂︎
Opius victus Hal.?  1♀︎, 32-seg. ant.
Opius cingulatus  1 dark ♂︎, 31 seg. ant.
Aspilota rufata  1♀︎, 17 seg. ant.
A. cf. viatica?  1♀︎, 19-seg. ant.
A. longicella = dentifemur miki!  1♀︎, 20-seg. ant.:  see p.233 ante!
Dacnusa abdita  1♀︎
Procto.  1


15th Oct. 1940. 

After continuous rain & drizzle from S.E. since noon on 14th, this morning was very damp and dull, no real wind, but still drizzling at 10 A.M;  & continued so all day, but cleared at night, except from 11 till 1 P.M. then Bruce Flegg and I went by car to Aughris Head. 

16th Oct. 1940. 

A fine but dull morning turning into a most perfect afternoon, as a westerly zephyr sprang up & pushed back the mists which hung over everything in the morning.  Before lunch walked up road from Beltra post-office past “Longford” the Crofton family estate & back again. 

In afternoon drove share of party to Glencar which all agreed had never been seen more lovely, the autumn colours reflected to perfection in the absolutely still waters of the lake.  Walked up path to top of cliff just W. of the waterfall where we had a wonderful view:  then back to tea at Siberry's.

The drive home, occupying 43 minutes also very beautiful.  D. Crichton drove the rest of the party, ten all told, in his car.