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22-10-40, cont, Dunmoran to Toberpatrick, Co. SL., cont.

only conclude from my observation that this black conglomerate is in reality a pre & interglacial beach gravel calcreted & resting on the so-called "pre-glacial" rock platform.  At the E. end of one of the sections the "conglomerate" has been torn up by the ice (?) & boulder clay intruded into its broken up surface:  in other places its upper surface seems almost smooth & horizontal.  The bed section is something like this 

Boulder Clay
Black conglomerate
x 10ft
Carboniferous limestone platform


22-10-40, cont.

List of insects taken in Glen Wood, Co. SL., in forenoon, 10.30-12.30 "AM".

[16 insects mtd. & these labelled 19-1-1942 AWS.]

Cratichneumon annulata?  ♀︎
Stilpnus gagates?  ♂︎
Cryptid:  red ♂︎.
Hemiteles  1♀︎, very polished species.
Phygadenonid?  1 red ♀︎.
Pezomachus rufulus?  ♀︎.
Orthocentrus fulvipes?  2♂︎♂︎.
O. radialis?  1♂︎.
Leptopygus harpurus?  1♂︎
Apanteles circumscriptus?  ♀︎
Dacnusa longiradialis  2♀︎♀︎.

Exallonyx  ♀︎
Chalcid.  Halticoptera?  ♂︎, with huge green-metallic palps.
Hemipteron =