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February 1941.

With the coming of this month the snow & frost of January gave way to better weather, with some beautiful spring-like days & warm sun, so that a sudden burst of yellow Crocuses appeared between 6th & 9th of the month (our first in front garden by path to gate on 6th) & on 10th at Westropp's were also two purple Crocuses & a bunch of whites almost out. 

On 9th we saw Lesser Celandine just ready to open between Rathfarnham & "The Narrow Walls", while the Snowdon Sax. oppositifolia in front garden showed purple buds, though these were no further on on the 18th.

Gales, with heavy rain, from ENE on 16th-17th so that railway between Greystones & Wicklow was interrupted for the second time since the New Year & trains unable to run at high water between Kingston & Dublin.

19th Feb. 1941.  
A fine afternoon, with cold NW wind.  Walked via Dartry to Orwell Bridge & home.  Almond trees showing pink buds & Japanese Cherries ready to open flower but none out.


20th-23rd Feb.
Very cold, frosty nights, turning to snowy rain on Sat. 22nd at noon, which continued all aft. & evening & ended in heavy snow, which melted as it fell, followed by a very hard frost & on 23rd blue sky & sun all day.  Walked via Kimmage & Willington Ho. to Templeogue Bridge & Rathfarnham.  Coltsfoot out at foot of wall on Tallaght road (1/4 mile W. of Templeogue Br.!);  Lesser Celandine out on roadside to Willington Ho., Chionodoxas in front garden 14 Clareville Rd. up & flowers showing blue;  purple crocuses out in gardens in Butterfield Lane, as well as Daisies & Dandelions.  Sax. opp. in front garden no further on than on 9th.  Leaf-shoots of Carex stricta by motor-house wall pushing through dead leaves, though the tussock much flattened by the cats.

28th Feb. 1941.
Sax. opp. (Benevenagh plant) with flowers open in back garden.  White Crocus with 2 flowers open in front garden.  Very strong on 26th-28th of month!

2nd March 1941.
A fine day with April-like showers & sun.  In afternoon walked from bus at Fishouse to Orlagh