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19th May 1941. 

A beautiful day, though wind E., nearly all hot sun, after a complete wet Sunday - the first real rain for 3 weeks.  On week's leave!

Spent forenoon in garden but little sun till after 12 noon.
Saw 1♀︎ Vespa (germanica) sun-bathing, sound asleep with wings folded beneath abdomen, as in hibernation! 

Andrena albicans & jacobi  ♀︎♀︎ sunning, ♂︎♂︎ also 
Halictus albipes? (either this or calceatus but I think this)  1♀︎ at flowers of shot cabbage.
[No Bombus seen or heard & none seen in garden for several weeks.]
Homocidus pictus 1♂︎, first seen 1941.
Hemiteles sp. with huge anal forceps.  4♂︎♂︎
Phygadeuon sp.  1♀︎.
Barichneumon albicinctus?  1♀︎, black hind tibiae, white at base &c.
Angitia (?)  1♂︎, black & white hind tibiae : not kept
Leptocryptus      1♂︎

20th May 1941.  
Another beautiful day, with less wind & hotter sun, a few clouds, wind N.
Spent an hour in morning in garden, 14 Clareville Rd., and took or saw the following: -

20.5 41, A.M. cont.  Garden, 14 Clareville Rd., DU.

Andrena albicans & A nigroaenea seen
[No Bumbles!]  Vespa vulgaris & germanica ♀︎♀︎
Homocidus cinctus  1 dark ♀︎  
H. pectoratorius  1♂︎
Perilissus saevus  1♂︎: first of all 3 spp. seen during year
Mesochorus sp.  2♂︎♂︎, one kept.
Apanteles glomeratus  1♀︎.
Sawfly. Thrinax macula  1♀︎. 
Pteronidea ribesii  1♂︎ seen.

On this afternoon E. O'Mahony took a ♀︎ Lissonota in the Dollymount bus which seems to fit L. distincta Bdg.  A.W.S.  21.5.1941.

22nd May 1941.  

After a wet day & fine night, with falling barometer (after rising the previous evening), but soft & warm, with some drizzle early, then mainly fine with some sun, but heavy drizzle from 4 P.M. onwards.  Went by 10.45 bus to Bohernabreena, with E. O'Mahony, & walked up Glenasmole & collected by sweeping till rain came at 3.45 P.M.

1 = under trees from lower dam to "the sun-trap" half way up W. side of lower reservoir: mostly between the dam & hut.
2 = head of upper reservoir & along west side under trees.
3 = below upper dam & from that to "ford" & under trees on left bank between Moore's garden & rises, where much Forget-me-not.

[14 from 1, 10 from 2 & 6 from 3 labelled 24/1/42 & some labelled previously! AWS.]

Transcription Notes: