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8.6.41, cont.  Portrane burrows, DU., cont.

Coelinius viduus  1♂︎ at 2.
Aphidius sp.  ♂︎ at 3.
Proctos.  2 at 1, 1 or 2 at 2;  2 at 3.
Mymarid at 1
Very pretty Chalcid at 2.
Chalcids common at 3.
Proctos.  1 at 1, 1 at 2, & 3 at 3: = 
Hemipteron =

Amongst some beetles collected 3 were recognised as Bledius unicornis by E. O'M. & new to Ireland:  taken amongst Atriplex postulacoides with weevil Polydrusus chrysomela.

9th June 1941.
A few "blotches" just appearing on Achusa in Westropp's garden Clonskeagh.  See p.104, ante.  Some Opius clarus em. in July '41.  - See 2.6.41 for record of Ophion ♀︎ by E.O'M.

11th June 1941.
Returned to Portrane burrows with J.N. Halbert & E. O'Mahony by 1.30 P.M. bus to get more specimens of Bledius unicornis in salt-marsh at N. end of the burrows (exactly opposite Rogerstown pier).  A very high tide was just receding & the ground too wet for a couple of hours, but after an hour's hot sun many of the Bledius (I took 20!) were taken in open flats between the clumps of Atriplex, whereas on 8th mine were taken beneath the clumps with the Polydrusus.  Many other beetles were also taken in same place, including:-

See my note in E.M.M. for 


11.6.41, cont.  Portrane burrows, DU. cont.

On way to salt-mars from bus I did a little sweeping & around the point of the sandhills (i.e. E. of salt-marsh).  I swept before & after tea, all told, for about an hour, but did not collect W. of salt-marsh.
1 = on way from bus to point & at point before tea
2 = around point after tea.

[Those from 1, of which 32 kept, simply labelled "Portrane 11.6.41", but those from 2, 17 kept, labelled "(2) 11.6.41".  AWS. 8.2.1942.]

At both 1 & 2 clumps of Ononis were frequently swept, but no species reported could be said to have been confined to this plant.

Sawfly = Pachynematus  ♂︎ at 1.
Phygadeuon  ♀︎ in salt-marsh at 2. 
Cryptopimpla? errabunda  ♀︎ at 1.
Mesoleuis  ♂︎ at 2.
Promethes cognatus   ♂︎ at 1 with hind trachanters & coxae all black & all femora lined with black beneath at base.
Homocidus bigonarius  2♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎ at 1, 1♀︎ at 2.
Mesochorus nigripes  ♀︎ at 1.
Phradis minuus Bdg.?  2♂︎♂︎ (ant. 16-seg.) & 2♀︎♀︎ (ant. 12 segmented) at 1.
Bracon concolor  2♂︎♂︎ at 1.
Bracon sp. near terebella & osculator?  1♀︎ at 1, same as taken here on 8.6.41 see p.288 ante.
B. anthracinus  1♂︎ at 1 (not kept).
Rhogas nigriceps ♂︎ at 2, ant. 41-seg.
Apanteles zygaenae??  3♀︎♀︎ at 1.
A. pallipes  ♀︎ at 2.
A. triangulator?  ♂︎ & ♀︎ with white wings at 2
Aceolius subfasciatus  ♀︎ at 2.
Euphorus facialis Th.? (= picipes Hal.?)  3 (♂︎♂︎ ?) at 1 & 2.