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11.6.41, cont.  Portrane burrows, DU., cont.

Aspilota nigrescens miki  2 small ♂︎♂︎, one at 1, the other at 2.
A. (Synaldis) parvicornis Th.  ♀︎ at 1, ant. 14-seg.;  ♀︎ at 2, ant. 19-segmented.

Dacnusa [[strikethrough]] anasella Sp. n. "Little Duck" [[/strikethrough]] innana Nixon.  This name trans. to the N. Bull species! AWS. 1949.  2♂︎♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎ swept amongst Psamma, Ononis, &c. just south of point, where we had tea.  At first thought to be same as the ♀︎ misella taken on 8.6.41, but petiole almost hairless & propodeum also less hairy, wings very short, antennae 21 & 22-seg. in ♀︎♀︎, 23 & 24 in ♂︎♂︎, mesonotum also less hairy & more shining:  at 1.

Aphidius sp.?  ♂︎, with 22-seg. ant. & semi-fuscous legs, at 1.
A. sp.  ♂︎ with 16-seg. ant. at 1. }
A. sp.  2♂︎♂︎, no transverse cubital, 16 (or about) seg. ant. at 1. }
Trionyx  ♀︎, ant . broken
} All +/- injured by mites, especially antennae.  AWS. 9.2.42.

Proctos.  1 at 1, 3 at 2, 
Chalcids.  2 wingless at 1, antennae damaged by mites.
Cynipids.  2 at 2, very small: = 

12th June 1941.  Garden, Harold's Cross, DU.
Crabro varius & C. leucostomus seen in garden for first time this year - a very late date!  Much hot sun during week though wind still cold.

Few insects taken on this date at Nahillah Park, Co. Cavan, see foot of p.305 to follow.


15th June 1941.

A fine day, after a stormy day & night (but without rain), wild N.W. wind in morning with rapidly rising glass, wind falling in afternoon, with very hot sun-bursts & more sultry air.

Went by 8.45 bus to Blessington intending to go to Glending but wind so strong, went instead to steep "bank" overlooking old Blessington bridge (now submerged in new reservoir: Poulaphuca [[?scheme]]) where collected till 3.45 P.M. & returned by 4 P.M., home.  

Insects rare or at least too low amongst thick vegetation to be swept but yet results good & scarce as afternoon came on contrary to expectation.
[41 from 1, 46 from 2, 5 from 3 & a extra specimens kept & these labelled 11/2/42 et seq. AWS.]

1 = first part of bank, with springs below trees, between road to Ballyward & new bridge & the old road to old bridge.  10 AM till 1.15 P.M.
2 = next field, almost entirely filled by springs & quagmires (where collected on
3 = corner of field N. of road, opposite station 2 & around well & springs.

Blessington, Co. WI.

Bombus lapidarius  1♀︎ seen:  all seen all day.
Psithyrus campestris  1♀︎ searching at 2.
Andrena nigroaena  ♂︎ & ♀︎ (at hawthorn) seen.
Halictus rubicundus  ♀︎ at hawthorn seen.  

[Aculeates not looked for.