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15.6.41, cont.  Blessington, Co. WI, cont.

Dolerus bimaculatus  ♂︎ & ♀︎ at 2.
D. gessneri  ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎, common, at 2.
D. ferrugatus  1♀︎ at 2.
D. picipes  ♀︎♀︎ at 1 & 2.

Tenthredella nassata  black ♂︎♂︎ common, both black & red toffee-coloured ♀︎♀︎ seen:  none taken
Tentredo mesomelas, livida & sulphuripes?? ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎
Empria baltica  2♂︎♂︎.
Athalia cordata  ♀︎.
Tom. luteiventris  ♀︎♀︎
Ametastegia equiseti  1♂︎

Dryinids:  Anteon spp.  1♂︎ at 2, 1♂︎ at .
Chasmias motatorius?  1♀︎ at 3, with propodeum, &c., reddish.
Cryptinae:  6 kept.  1♀︎ at 1, red, matt, abd.;  stout ant., pale at base, 23-seg., terebra medium, hind femora black.
Hemiteles like inimicus but dark abd.  1♀︎ at 1.
H.? (or like Plectiscid), hidden terebra, dark wings, white-banded, 18-seg. ant., open areolet, 1♀︎ at 1, & also a ♂︎ (?) same species, 21-seg., all black ant., at 1.
♂︎, red abd., 21-seg. ant. at 2.
Adelognathus dorsalis  ♀︎ 14-seg. ant.
Pimpla flavicoxis  ♀︎.
Lissonota errabunda  1♀︎ at 1.
Meniscus catinator  1♂︎ at 1, 1♂︎ at 3(?).
Homocidus bigonarius  ♀︎ at 1.
Hom. longiventris?  1♀︎ at 1.
Polyblastus? pastoralis  ♂︎ ? at 1.
Stenomacrus intermedius  ♀︎ at 2 with 29-seg. ant.
St. intermedius?  ♂︎, with 32-seg. ant. at 1.


15.6.41, cont.  Blessington, Co. WI., cont.

Mesoleptus prosoleucus? & M. cf. typhae?, both probably at 2.  
Phaedroctonus transfuga?  ♂︎ at 1:  NB. This has curved radius, while Ph. cremastoides has this straight. 
Mesochorus  very red ♂︎ at 1.
Perizonid:  gen. et sp.?  2♀︎♀︎ at 1, ♂︎ at 2.

Bracon cf communis or osculator  1♂︎ at 2, 27-seg. ant., not very dark wings, &c.
B. fuscicornis  ♀︎ at 2.
B. sp.? near rivalis miki, but ant. only 30-seg. & terebra only length of abd. at 1.
Oncophanes minutus?  1♀︎ at 1.
Colastes splendida sp. n.  1♀︎ at 2:  a large black robust species with long hairs on occiput, as in hariolator, but much wider head, more rugose mesonotum & propodeum & terebra only 1/3 length of abdomen, antennae black, 34-segmented, sternaulus a deep long pit with rugose bottom, &c.  A.W.S. 14/2/1942.
Rhogas irregularis  ♂︎.
R. nigreceps  ♂︎ at 2.
Microgaster globatus?  ♂︎ at 2.
Earinus ochropes?  ♀︎, at 2.
Euphorus sp. fascialis Th.?  ♂︎ at 1, ♀︎ at 2.
Meteorus [[?ritericus]]??  1♀︎, ant. 22-seg. at 1.
M. cf. punctiventris obfuscatus ?  1♀︎, 26-seg. ant. at 1.
M. cinctellus?  1♀︎, ant. 27-seg. at 1.
M. fragilis?  ♂︎ at 1, ♀︎ at 2, ant. ca. 35 & 32
Opius communis miki (= apiculator? Marsh.)  ♂︎ & ♀︎ at 3, 1♂︎ at 2.
O. levis Wesm.?  1♂︎ at 2 & 1♂︎ at 1, with quite smooth post-petiole & dark hind tarsi, &c.
O. platynotum miki?  1♂︎, at 1
O. pendulus?  3♂︎♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎ at 2.
O. funebris  2♂︎♂︎ & 2♀︎♀︎ at 2;  ♂︎♂︎ of this & pendulus may require looking into!
O. celsus  ♂︎ & ♀︎ at 1.
O. victus  ♂︎, at 1.
Biosteres impressus  ♂︎ at 2.

Transcription Notes:
Unable to verify Meteorus ritericus/sitericus