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22.6.41, cont.   Athdown, Co. WI., cont.

Aspilota 14 specimens (as follows):-
A. petiolaris m.  ♂︎ at 2, ant. 28. 
A. atra m.?  ♀︎ at 2, ant. 22, small.
A. rufifemur? m.  ♀︎ at 1, ant. 23. 
A. cf. excavatus m.?  at 2, ant. short, 19-seg.
A. dentifemur  ♂︎ at 2, ant. 22.
A. clivosa m.  ♀︎ at 1, ant. 23 (topotype!)
A. tumida m.  ♂︎, at 1, ant. 18.
A. semirufa m.  small ♂︎ at 2, ant. 16.
A. fuscicornis Hal.?  2 small ♂︎♂︎, ant. only 15 & 17-seg.
A. cf. nigrescens m.?  2♂︎♂︎ at 1, one with 21 & the other 22-seg. ant.;  2nd cubical cell of former much to marrow & parallel sided!!
A. (Synaldis) cf. rudenticornis m.?  2♀︎♀︎ at 2, ant. 17 in smaller, broken in larger.
Dacnusa cf. eros  2♀︎♀︎ at 1, 2♂︎♂︎ & 1♀︎ at 2, ant. 35 36, 37, 39 & 37 resp.
D. [[strikethrough]] alua ? [[/strikethrough]] merella group:  a beautiful ♀︎ at 1, with 35-seg. ant.
D. cytherea  1♂︎ at 1, ant. 32.
D. striatula  1♂︎ at 1, ant. 26.
D. melanocera-grossa miki  1♂︎ at 1, another at 2, with ant. 34 & 35 respectively, both very fine specimens
D. melanocera  small ♂︎ at 1, ant. 25, quite distinct looking from last.

Proctos.  3 (2 at 1, 1 at 2)
Chalcids  1 at 2.


22.6.41, cont.  Swept under trees between [[image]] of roads at W. foot of Dowry (near Kilbride P.O. & pub!), Co. WI.  5.30 P.M.

Exolytus  ♂︎.
Tryphon incestus?  ♂︎

Only these mounted!
Plectiscid ♀︎, ant. 23 = Plectiscus collaris? or crassicornis
Blacus longipennis?  ♀︎, ant. 17, red at base.
Orthostigma pumila?  ♀︎, ant. 20., with very poorly defined stigma.
Aspilota cf. semirugosa:  ♀︎, with 17-seg. ant.
Dacnusa senilis?  2♂︎♂︎, ant. both 33.
Opius caesus  ♂︎, abd. reddish in centre:  not typical.

25th June 1941. 

After three fine days a depression arrived this morning with some rain & wind (SW) but cleared about 11 AM., so rode in afternoon to Glenasmole & found it almost quite dry & sheltered, with many small insects out.  Swept till 4.30 when just after tea a heavy thunder-like shower ended collecting for the day.  Only swept two areas: -

[78 from 1 & 42 from 2 mounted & these labelled 7/11/43 et seq. A.W.S.]

Glenasmole Co. DU. 
1 = plantation on W. side of lower reservoir from dam to hut, mostly nearer dam than hut: an area I dont usually work.
2 = under trees & by swampy place at "tunnel" (where pipe comes out of upper dam) & for 100 yards below dam (i.e from dam to nearly 1/2 way to ford) & along both sides of dry water-channel, beside laurel hedge.

Transcription Notes:
Unable to verify "rudenticornis"