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25.6.41, cont.  Glenasmole, Co. DU, cont.

Bombus derhamellus  1♀︎ seen at 1.
B. agrorum & lucorum: only ♀︎♀︎: seen 

Psithyrus campestris  ♀︎♀︎ of both var. seen 

Dryinids:  ♀︎♀︎ frequent: 1 ♂︎ kept.
1♂︎, 8♀︎♀︎ from 1 & 1♀︎ from 2 mounted, presumably all same species, i.e. Anteon (Chelogynus) ephippiger
Sawflies rare.
Tenthredo "sulphuripes"  2♀︎♀︎
T. mesomelas  ♀︎♀︎
T. livida  ♂︎♂︎ & Rh. viridis seen.
T. nassata  ♂︎♂︎ & 1 nearly black ♀︎.
Athalia spp. seen.
Lygaeonematis laricis  1♀︎ swept at 1.

[In garden Harold's Cross, DU. 25.6.41, 8 P.M.
1 very worn ☿ Bombus agrorum seen at Foxglove]


Notes of insects seen or taken in garden June & July 1941.
14 Clareville Rd., Harolds Cross, DU.

25th June.  ☿ of Bombus jonellus seen on flowers of Thyme in front garden

29th.  Red Admiral butterfly seen on flowers of Candytuft in front garden
☿ of Bombus lapidarius seen in back garden.

28th.  Bombus lapidarius ♀︎ seen in garden, with yellow stripe of pollen on mesonotum (presumably off Snapdragon flowers).

8th July.  Saw ☿ Bombus hortorum in garden

1st-8th July.  Megachile centuncularis & willughbiella ♂︎♂︎ frequent in back garden;  on 8th, in evening, saw ♂︎ willughbiella at George's yellow flower.

8th-9th.  During night of this period 1♂︎ Hylaeus communis & 1 Chrysis ignita spent night in post-holes, at least only these seen at 9 A.M. on 9th.  One of holes in post next road apparently filled & sealed as was one last year (? by Hylaeus).

28th June. 
Homocidus cf. pictus  ♀︎
Clistopyga sanberi  ♂︎