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9th July 1941. 

A very fine day, nearly all hot & sunny with strong SW wind, after a wet day on 7th (the first rainy day for a long time) & a fine day on 8th.  Insects very scarce in morning & only a few hymenoptera out in afternoon.  Rode to Leixlip, KD, and arrived at canal at 11:30 AM.  Swept slope from bridge to Rye Water on W. side of canal (= 1) before lunch, 11:30 till 1:0.  Later went west along canal for a mile & swept side of same & along tow path especially where widest & under trees (=2 );  then climbed into walled plantation & swept under trees inside same (= 3): only at 3 were insects at all common. 

Royal Canal E & W of main road at Leixlip station, Co. KD.

[On return journey saw two Painted Ladies (V. cardui) on road, one coming up hill from Lucan & the other coming up hill from Clondalkin.]

Bombus muscorum  ☿☿ & ♀︎ seen at 1, but I do not think I saw a single Bombus other than this, nor did I see any other bees.

[45 specimens from 1 mounted & these labelled "Rye Water";  25 from 2 & 34 from 3, & these labelled "R. Canal".  A.W.S. et seq.]


9.7.41, cont.  Leixlip, KD., cont.

Crabro clavipes  3♂︎♂︎ swept at 3:  one carded.
Spilomena troglodytes  1♀︎ swept at 3
[No Ranuncus flammula but some along canal!  R. [[?]]
Elampus auratus  1 swept off vegetation growing out of water at 2.
Dryinids.  5 or 6 = 
Anteon ephippinus  ♀︎ at 2, 2♀︎♀︎ & possibly ♂︎ at 3.
Anteon  ♂︎ at 1.
Bethylus cephalotes & fulvicornis  1♀︎ of each at 1.
Sawfly:  Selandria flavens  ♂︎ at 1.
Centeterus?  1♂︎ at 1 =
[No other Vol. 1 icks seen]
Cryptids:  about a dozen:  few kept.
Stilpnus gagates  3♂︎♂︎ at 3:  not kept
S.  red ♀︎:  not kept.
Phygadeuon?  ♀︎ at 3.
Pezomachus  1♀︎ at 1.
Hemiteles?  ♂︎ at 1.
Microcryptus cf. graminicola?  ♀︎ at 1.
M.?  ♂︎ at 1, with clouded wings =
Acrodactyla degener  1♀︎ at 1:  not kept.
Pimpla spuria √  1♀︎ at 1.
P. melanocrias Perkins  ♂︎ at 2.
P. depositor  1♀︎ at 3.
Phytodiactus  1♀︎ at 3
Glypta rostrata  1 very red ♂︎ at 1:  not kept.