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16.7.41, cont.  Glenasmole, DU., cont-

Mesoleius  2♂︎♂︎ at 1, red. abd., ant. 43 & 44.
M.  ♀︎ at 3, ant. 32.
M.  ♀︎ at 4, ant. 38.
Campoplegids:  about a dozen:  only 1 kept = Dioctis exareolatus?  ♀︎ at 2.
Mesochorus  2 or 3 only:  1♀︎ only kept = M.  ♀︎ at 3.
Helictes  1♂︎:  not kept.
Plectiscus?  1♂︎:  not kept.
Bracon fulvipes:  a dark ♂︎ at 1, ant. 41.
B. epitriptus??  an immature ♀︎, with dark legs, at 1, ant. 25.
Rhogas nigricornis  ♂︎ at 5 (ant. 45);  ♀︎ at 4 (ant. 48).


16.7.41, cont.  Glenasmole, DU., cont.

Sigalphus caudatus?  1♀︎, with very smooth abdomen.
Ascogaster ratzeburgi  7 at 1, ant. 35-35.
A. instabilis  1 at 1, ant. 35.
Apanteles  only 3 or 4:  kept only

Euphorus pallipes?  1 [all seen]
Metoerus cinctellus?  2♀︎♀︎ at 2, ant. 26.
M. fragilis  ♂︎ at 3, ant. 33.
Blacus longipennis?  1♀︎, rather small, with slender antennae, at 5.
Calpytus tibialis  2♀︎♀︎ (one at 2, the other at 5), ant. 30 & 31.
Macrocentrus n. sp. Lyle  1♂︎ at 4, 1♀︎ at 3, ant. 32 & 30 resp.
Opius "apiculator" common } none kept.
O. irregularis  1♂︎ } none kept.
O. cingulatus  several } none kept.
O. nigrescens miki  ♀︎ at 3, ant. 26.
Phaenocarpa canaliculata  ♀︎, ant. 28.
Adelura flaviventris  1♂︎