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30/7/41, cont. Ireland's Eye, DU., cont.

Erica cinerea; 
Armeria maritima; 
Anagallis arvensis;
Samolus Valerandi; 
Erythraea Centaurium;
Cynoglossum officinale;
Hyosciamus niger, still abundant along S. coast;
Verbascum Thapsus;
Veronica Chamaedrys
Thymus sp.;
Teucrium scordonia, abundant;
Plantago lanceolata, v. rare;
P. maritima, E. coast;
Pl Coronopus, v. common on swards;
Atriplex hastata - J.P.B.
Rumex crispus;
Rumex acetosa & R. acetosella
Urtica dioica;
U. urens, E. cliffs just N. of the pool;
Iris foetidissima'
Scilla verna, seed heads on top of E. cliffs;
S. nutans, under Bracken;
Carex sp. top of E. cliffs near Thymus;
Aria praecox √ - JPB
Poa annua?;
[[strikethrough]] Agropyron [[?gunce]]?;
[[?ardus obseta]] [[/strikethrough]]
Holcus lanatus √ JPB;
Anthoxanthum odoratum - JPB.
Bromus molles - J.P.B.
Aira caryophyllea - J.P.B.
Cochlearea officinalis
Nepeta glechoma
Callitriche sp. at pool.

Pteris aquilina;
Polypodium vulgare;
Arctium sp.
[Revised by J.B. Brunker after examining specimens. A.W.S.]
76 [[strikethrough]] 73 [[/strikethrough] species.


30.7.41, cont.  Ireland's Eye, DU., cont.

Bombus lucorum very large ☿☿ abundant on Tenerium &c.;  ? ♂︎♂︎ seen coursing at one place;  ? also some ☿☿ may have been terrestris.  Many seen flying across from Howth to Ireland's Eye while crossing to & returning from the island.
B. muscorum  ☿☿ quite common in centre on Tenerium.
B. hortorum √  1☿ in C. lanceolatus
Psithyrus barbutellus  1♂︎ with last on thistle:  armature extruded.
Halictus leucopus  ♀︎

1 = West. centre of island
(23 insects mounted from 1 & 73 from 2)
2 = S. & E sides from shore to highest cliffs near pool.
(These labelled 27.12.43 et seq.! AWS)

Myrmica ruginodis & Lasius √ niger, the only ants examined.  2☿☿ brought home & mounted.
Ichneumon  1♂︎ at 2.
Phaeogenid:  red ♂︎ at 1, ant. 28 =
Phygadeuon? sp.?  ♂︎ & ♀︎ at 2, ant. 21 & 22.
Pycnocryptus peregrinator?  1♀︎ at 2.
Hemiteles?  ♂︎, black legs, at 2, ant. 21
H.?  ♀︎, pale legs, at 2, ant. 21.
Pimpla turionellae group!  2♂︎♂︎ at 1:  one mounted cf. spuria?? long cheeks!
P. maculator  2♀︎♀︎ at 2.
Glypta ceratites  1♂︎ at 2.
Lissonota errabunda?  ♂︎ at 2.