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2nd August 1941.

A fine day with much sun, warm.  Evening & midday.

Garden, 14 Clareville Rd, Harold's X, DU.

Bombus distinguendus: again saw one large ☿, which flew across Ellis's garden.
B. jonellus  1 fresh ♂︎ on lavender on this & previous eve.
B. lapidarius  ☿☿ & 1♂︎.
B. agrorum  ☿☿.
B. lucorum  ♂︎♂︎.
B. terrestris  ♂︎♂︎.
Megachile willoughbiella  1♂︎ seen at Campanula.
M. versicolor  1♀︎ heavily laden with yellow pollen but yet working assiduously at Kanpweed flowers presumably for nectar.
Chrysis ignita.

Helorus - one caught with left hand on birch leaf at 2 P.M., which I thought was a queen aculeate.  Possibly another on same tree at same time.
Agrypon  ♀︎

[2.8.41.  Taken by E. O'Mahony at Portmarnock (P't'M'K!), Co. DU.
Perilitus aethiops?  ♀︎.


3rd August 1941.

After a cool misty morning, a fine warm day with SW-W wind, much sun & no rain till 7.0 P.M., when a heavy line-squall passed across whole county from WNW.

Rode to Royal Canal at Leixlip Station, Co. KD.  Worked 3 areas:-
1 = slope from road to Rye Water, NW. of canal
2 = slope N. of canal, drain & edge of corn field 200-300 yards W. of Maynooth road.
3 = walled in plantation N. of canal, by tow-path 1/2 mile W. of above road, as on previous dates.
Insects very rare, except the Bumble Bees!

Mounted 42 from 1, 30 from 2, & 52 from 3, & these labelled 2/1/44 et seq.!  A.W.S.

Bombus sylvarum  Many ☿☿ (& I think several ♂︎♂︎ seen) at 2 on Knapweed, Scabious, Ononis, &c.  The first time I have seen this bumble-bee in this district.
B. lucorum  ☿☿ & ♂︎♂︎.
B. muscorum  ☿☿ common at 1 & 2.
B. hortorum  ☿☿ at 2.
B. agrorum  ☿☿ rare at 2.
B. derhamellus  1♂︎ seen at 2.
B. lapidarius  ☿☿ & ♂︎♂︎ common at 1 & 2.
Psithyrus rupestris  1♂︎ seen at 1
P. distinctus  ♂︎♂︎ at 2.