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7.8.41, cont.  Landenstown, &c., KD., cont.

Phaenocarpa nimia miki - A magnificent ♂︎, with very dark wings, swept in swamp filled drain separating 3 from 4: at first thought to be nimia but then considered to be picinervis until examined on return home.  [This specimen sent a present to G.E.F Nixon in April 1942! A.W.S.]
Ph. eugenia.  A splendid ♂︎, swept on edge of canal at W end of belt of reeds, at 2, ant. 53
Dacnusa pubescens  1♂︎.
D. [[?wallua]] miki  ♂︎ at 3, ant. 30: [agrees perfectly! AWS.1945.] 

Coelinius niger ?  1♂︎ swept at 3, near drain separating this from 4 : ant broken.
Toxares deltiger  1♀︎ at 4, ant. 19.
Praon volucre  ♂︎ at 4, ant. 22.
Aphidius  only 1 or 2 seen; not kept.
Proctos.  only 3 or 4 seen all day ; kept 1 from 1, 2 from 3 & 1 from 4 = Paracodrus apterogynus  ♂︎ at 1 .

Dragon fly.  Aeschna grandis seen twice, at 2 & 4.
Snail: Pupa anglica swept at 3: dark brown form.


10th August 1941. 

A dull day, with misty showers about, warm in shelter, with SW-W winds over the plain, after a very hot day on 9th.  Insects rare!

Rode to Royal Canal at Leixlip  station, as before, & later joined by J.A.J. Palmer, who came to see Bombus sylvarum.

Royal Canal, Leixlip, Co. KD.
1 = from road to Rye Water, NW of canal.
2 = along canal & cornfield W. of Louisa Bridge
3 = wall-enclosed plantation 1/2 mile W. of Louisa Bridge
4 = canal-side 1/2 mile further W. than 3:  only 2 or 3 taken here.

Bombus sylvarum ☿☿ frequent at 2, a few ♂︎♂︎ & one fresh ♀︎ seen by Palmer.
B. derhamellus  ♂︎ at 2.
Bombus agrorum, muscorum, lapidarius, hortorum, lucorum & terrestris (♂︎♂︎) also seen.
Psithyrus rupestris ♂︎♂︎, 
P. distinctus  ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎ 
P. campestris  dark & pale vars. of ♂︎♂︎, seen.
Mellinus arvensis  1♀︎ seen at 2.
Anteon  ♂︎ at 3.
A.  ♀︎ at 3.

Our Swifts left us on night of 8th or 9th August! 2 or 3 seen near Clondalkin on 10th.