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14.8.41, cont.  Glenasmole, DU., cont.

Praon volucre  2♀︎♀︎ at 2 & 4, ant. 20 & 18 resp.
Aphidius spp.  Only 3 or 4 & none kept.
Proctos, rare & nearly all kept as follows:-  
6 from 1;  1 from 3;  & 3 from 4.
Cynipid  1 from 1 =
Beetle:  Donacia at 2.
Two diptera (at 2 & 3) =

SWIFTS.  After disappearing on 8th or 9th, some birds appeared to come back again & seen over Dublin & Clondalkin, &c. in small parties, screaming, on various dates from 10th to 20th included.


20th Aug. 1941.

A poor day, owing to frequent showers, after heavy rain the previous night & showery days for a week.  W. wind rather strong.

Went by 10.30 bus (with cycles) to Naas & rode to Landenstown on Grand Canal as before, Co. KD.  Arrived there at 12.15, everything very wet after shower & kept wet by frequent skiffs, while at 3 P.M. & 3.30 P.M. two drenching showers ended all collecting, so had tea at Digby Bridge & left there about 4.40 & got home (on bikes) at 6.50.

Landenstown, Co. KD.

1 = Swept along canal side & parallel drain between canal (S. side) & plantation belt, 1/4 mile east of L. Ho.
2 = Canal side between plantation & Landenstown House gate.
3 = Hayfield, &c. S. of road & plantation, S. of 1.

[18 mounted from 1;  4 from 2;  22 from 3 & these labelled 21/1/44 et seq.]

Bombus agrorum  a few faded ☿☿ only.
Psithyrus rupestris, several ♂︎♂︎ along canal.
Ps. Campestris & barbutellus (or distinctus?) ♂︎♂︎ seen.
Nomada argentata ♀︎ swept, off mint (?), by canal at 1.
Crabro vagus ♂︎ & ♀︎ watched on Angelica at 3, ♂︎ on her back, but not in cop., spent time vigourously stroking her eyes (& ? face) with his fore legs, & every