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[[strikethrough]] 4th [[/strikethrough]] 3rd Sept. 1941. 

A most lovely day, with cool W. breeze & very hot sun.  Rode on bike up valley of the Bunowen & then walked over moors to Lug-a-v'braun (= the Lough Braun of Praeger!), with John Barlee, a [[strikethrough]] New Zealand  [[/strikethrough]] Channel Island medical student (named Hen - Collins - son of the Laird of Sark!) & two of the Wallace boys (Alec & "Bingo"), to help J Barlee search for ferns & to look for alpinus recorded by R. L. Praeger from cliffs above the tarn.  

Left bikes at 12 noon & reached tarn before 2 PM, where had lunch, after lunch worked cliffs from above SW. end of tarn back to east end of highest cliff (1/4 to 1/2 mile):  had "afternoon tea" by stream below tarn [[strikethrough]] by stream [[/strikethrough]] & left here at 10 minutes to six & reached hotel at 7.20 P.M. 
[[left margin]] Alt. of tarn ca. 1700-1800 ft. [[/left margin]]

Plants in tarn consisted of Isoetes & Sparganium (? natans), with a few scraps of Callitriche near inlet & evidently washed in.  Plants on cliffs included Thalictrum alpinum in great abundance, Geum rivale, Angelia, Sassurea alpina, Armeria "alpina", Oxyria digyna, Saxifraga umbrosa, Sax. stellaris, Plantago maritima (very abundant), Beech Fern, frequent;  Asplenium viride (1 plant: Barlee), 

[[marginalia]] Sedum roseum! [[/marginalia]]


[[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 3.9.41, cont.  Lug-a-v'Braun, WM. cont.

Holly Fern (A. lonchitis): only 1 small plant (Barlee!) & Cystopteris fragilis rare, Carex oederi, panicea & pulicaris.  No Vaccinium, no Empetrium & very little Calluna or Erica on cliffs, but many common plants not listed above.

Did not collect Hymenoptera, but a few beetles collected & these all no doubt common if looked for:-

Nebria gyllenhali
Otiorrhynchus maurus
O. blandus
Carabus catenulatus common
Also 1 Carabus glabratus
All given to E. O'Mahony!

Transcription Notes: