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7th Sept. 1941 (Sunday) 

A hot misty day, with grass &c. very wet after dewy night:  gentle W. breeze.  Did practically no collecting, but in afternoon walked to Carr's Pool (on Bunowen) to watch salmon jumping in pool & took a few insects with sucker on Wild Carrot roadside near Kilgeever, but kept one ♂︎ Cryptinid 

Bombus muscorum a beautiful fresh ♀︎ seen at ? by lane to Carr's Pool. 

In forenoon walked east along strand at Old Head harbour & before afternoon tea went all over hill (Old Head!) with Alec Wallace to look for the Mediterranean Heath which he alleged grew in a small valley on N.W. side of same, but he failed to produce it, as we had done previously.  Empetrium nigrum abundant on cliff-tops W. of seal caves.

NB. He's now certain that tall plants of Calluna, with last years flowers still on, is mistaken by Wallace for E. mediterranean in bud!  AWS 1942.


8th Sept 1941. 

A fine day, but hills never cleared & scarcely any sun blinks before noon & none afterwards.

Rode to Dooaghtry, where arrived at 1 P.M. & had lunch, then strolled along ridge to Dooaghtry Lough, doing a little sweeping on the way, but insects very scarce;  visited sand flat between lake & sea & saw Succinea arenaria still plentiful there, then across dunes to Tonakeeragh Pt. and back along shore to bikes, eat tea at Point at 4:30, left for home at 5:30 & got to hotel at 7:15.  Wind SW.           

Bombus agrorum, lucorum & lapidarius seen.
Psithyrus campestris  2 dark ♂︎♂︎ seen at lunch place.
Tenthredo sulphuripes?  ♀︎ } near lunch place.
Athalia  1♀︎ } near lunch place.
Cryptinae  1♂︎ = 
Pimpla brevicornis  1♀︎
Pimpla turionellae group:  1 small ♂︎
Lissonota commixta  ♂︎
Bassus laetatorius  2♀︎♀︎ at sea edge of dunes.