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8.9.41, cont.  Dooaghtry; WM, cont..

Prometheus pulchellus  ♂︎.
Homocidus pectoratorius  1♀︎ swept off Psamma
H. bizonarius  1 small ♂︎, ant. 20.} All on dunes?
H. nigritarsis  ♂︎ & ♀︎ } All on dunes?
H. elegans  a fine ♂︎. } All on dunes?
H. signatus  red ♂︎.
Campophyids:  several ♀︎♀︎.
Oncophanes minutus?  1♀︎ ant. 21. (? loc.) probably dunes
Microplitis mediana  ♂︎ (? loc.), probably dunes
Apanteles falcatus?  2 on dunes
Centistes lucidator  1♂︎, at lunch place.
Biosteres arenarius sp. n.  ♀︎ on dunes:  Type! A.W.S. 1.2.1944 near B. wesmaeli but exserted terebra & 2nd ascissa of radius short.  See also p.100 ->
Dacnusa sp. nov.?  2♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎, on dunes, off Psamma;  very black, ant. 31, 31 & 30, near ebenina miki, but legs reddish, &c. - See also p.101 ->
Praon granularis sp. n.  ♂︎, black sp. (on Psamma?) ant. 21, propodeum dull, granulated, whle in volucre it is smooth & polished.
Aphidius cf cirsii Hal.  ♀︎ (on Psamma?) which was covered with small green Aphides:  hence also, I suppose, the presence of so many Bassids on dunes.
A. sp.  ♂︎, ant. 18, black legs.
Coccinellid very common on Psamma on dunes = 


9th Sept. 1941.

A fine day, but as all the previous week very misty & the mountains invisible or nearly so & the summits cloud-capped.

Did not collect in morning, but after lunch took our tea with us & rode to "The Six Mile Strand" at Lough Bawn & worked dunes & marsh between that lough & L. Cahazy sough of it, till 6.20 P.M.

Roonah district, Co. WM.
1 = dunes N. of road to coast & between road & L. Bawn.
2 = dunes S. of road to coast & between road & L. Cahazy.
3 = Iris-filled marsh at NW corner of L. Cahazy, where insects in plenty.

[8 from 1 mounted, none from 2 & 6 from 3, & these put away & listed on 2.2.1944!]

[NB.  On Psamma arenaria at Dooaghtry on 8.9.41 great quantity of a green Aphid occurred, but at Roonah not a trace of this was to be seen & so no Coccinellids & no or few Bassids.]

Bombus lapidarius  ♂︎♂︎ plentiful at 1.