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9.9.41, cont.  Roonah district, WM. cont.

Stenonaerus intermedius?  ♂︎ at 3, and 3, ant. 31.
Bracon erythrostictus?  1♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎ (ant. 34, 33 & 36, as well as a small (starved?) ♂︎, with only 29-seg. antennae, &c.:  all at 1.
Microgaster cf. globatus or subincompletus  3♂︎♂︎ at 1, belly pale at base, pale wings, &c.
M. tibialis?  1♂︎ at 1.
Meteorus abdominator  2♂︎♂︎ at 3, ant. 27 & 28.
Dacnusa lestes?  at 1, ant. 22.
Chalcid  ♀︎ at 1, long curved terebra, short antennae =


10th Sept. 1941.

A very fine day, with S.W. breeze.

Rode to Killary & had lunch 1/2 mile E. of Bunderragha then returned to woods at Delphi Lodge, where swept a few insects at N. end of birch woods;  turned E. at foot of Doo Lough up Glenummera to Tawnyard Lough & over the hill to Glenlaur & Sheefy Bridge.  Above last valley, on S. side & facing NE is a magnificent series of cliffs which seem well worth working.

After tea near Sheffry Bridge rode home to Old Head via Drummin & Bourin nat. school.  The roads by Doo Lough & up Glenummera & over hill to Sheffry Bridge very bad, with loose stones, & not fit for a car.  Scenery, however, very fine.

Butterfly.  Saw a Red Admiral at tea-place, above Sheffry Bridge.

Bombus muscorum  ♂︎♂︎ & ☿☿ seen by roadside.
B. agrorum  seen.
Cratichneumon cf. annulator  1♀︎, dark legs.
Leptocryptus aereus  1♂︎.
Stilpnus gagates  1♂︎
Cryptinae.  2 others.