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11.9.41.  Woods, Black Hill, Old Head, WM. cont.

Bracon discoideus  1♀︎ on birch near top of hill & taken after afternoon tea:  ant. 24.
Rhyssalus clavator  1♂︎.
Meteorus ictericus?  1♀︎, with rather dark stigma;  ant. 32.
Macrocentrus cf. nitidus  1♂︎ var. with pale scutellum, ant. 46.
Opius cingulatus?  freakish?  1♂︎ with all yellow abd., & traces of both notauli & sternauli, with propodeum & tergite 1 nearly smooth.
Dacnusa longiradialis
Procto.  1

12th Sept. 1941.

Spent morning in woods on S. side of Black Hill but did not collect.  In early afternoon, between lunch & tea collected by sweeping in lower part of same wood on SE. of same hill (= 1).  Between tea & dinner swept birch & willow scrub on N.E. side of Black Hill (= 2), Old Head, Co. WM.

[11 from 1 mounted & 15 from 2:  these put away 3.2.44! AWS.]

Woods, SE. side of Black Hill, WM.  2.30 - 4.0 P.M. [= 12.9.41 (1)] & side of field S. of same.


12.9.41 (1) cont.  Woods, &c. Black Hill, WM. cont.

Cratichneumon annulator?  1♀︎ seen, not taken.
Phaeogenes fulvipes?  many ♀︎♀︎.
Exolytus?  1♀︎.
Idiolispa analis  1♀︎.
Stilpnus gagates  1
Cryptinae  8 other spp.  1♂︎ mounted = ....., ant. 27.

Pimpla turnionellae group  1♂︎.
Homocidus ornatus  1 fine (♀︎? or large ♂︎)
Promethes scultellatus  ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎.
P. pulchellus  1♂︎.
Alexeter sectator Thunb.  ♀︎ var. with almost black scutellum!
P. cognatus  1♀︎, 1♂︎.
Gen. et sp.?  white socks.
Gen. et sp.?  sculptured abd.  1
Gen. et sp.?  1♂︎
Stenomacrus  1♂︎
Campoplegids  2
Campoplex  red sp.  1♀︎