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21st. Sept. 1941.  

A dry, mainly dull day, though sunny in late afternoon -too late to warm things up - with a chilly E. breeze. Not an insect day & these scarce, except when sun first came out, but this did not last & the insects seemed to retire disgusted, except Stenomacrus ventralis & the ♂︎♂︎ of Orthocentrus radialis (?).  Rode to top of upper reservoir in Glenasmole & then walked up to the gorge of the Slade Brook, ca 1,000-1200 ft. alt.  Arrived there at 12.30 noon & left about 5 P.M.  Did not collect otherwise.

Slade Brook, Glenasmole, Co. DU.
[20 specimens mounted & these labelled & put away 7.2.44! A.W.S.]

Bombus agrorum frequent
B. lucorum  1 large ♀︎ seen on bog.
B. jonellus  ♀︎ (or ? B. hortorum, small) seen in gorge.
Mellinus arvensis  ♀︎ seen.
(Fresh burrows of aculeates seen on old river scarp below gorge, but none seen flying!)
Ants:  Myrmica spp. & Formica fusca  ☿☿ active.
Platylabus vitratorius  1♀︎ on birch or S. aurita in gorge.


21.9.41, cont.  Slade Brook, DU., cont.

Ichneumon deliratorius √  1♀︎ on birch:  dark var.
I. ?  ♂︎, reddish-yellow & black, small:  tergites 2 + 2 & base of 4 pale!
Phaeogenes?  black ♂︎. sp.?
Cryptinae Gen. et sp.?  2♂︎♂︎, white faces &c., keeled basal abd. segment & trilobed mesonotum like Lampronota, large pentagonal areolet = cf. Cratocryptus sp.
Pimpla brevicornis  1♀︎.
Stenomacrus ventralis  ♂︎♂︎, & especially ♀︎♀︎ in great abundance.
St. laricis Hal.  2 nice ♀︎♀︎.
Orthocentrus radialis  ♀︎♀︎ & many ♂︎♂︎ some presumably this species, but of four mounted 2 have black & 2 red hind coxae!  AWS. 7.2.44.
Mesoleius  1♂︎, red abd., ant. 31.
Diaborus  1♀︎ investigating larvae on Hazel
Campoplex  1 red sp. on bank of top field below gorge.
[No Braconids seen all day]
Proctos.  Common:  2 only mounted: = Aneurynchus & Exallonyx?  ♀︎.
Hemiptera  2 (on same card!)