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21st Nov. 1941. 
On way home to lunch, 1 P.M., in very hot sun, saw a small Tortoiseshell butterfly flying gaily about Kenilworth Park!

22nd-24th Nov. 1941. 
Went & returned from R.C. Faris's place at Cauhoo, near Cavan.  Weather mostly wet & mild, but did not see any hymenoptera, though Daisy saw a wasp just as she came out of Crossdoney station on 22nd at 2:45 P.M.  Took MS. of Irish sawfly "List" to Faris to copy & spent much time going over some of his sawflies & other insects.

Dec. 1941. 

Bad weather, especially at week-end, prevented anything but short walks about Rathfarnham & The Dodder until 10th, when we took bus to Bohernabreena & walked up the road past R.C.C. Chapel to Glenasmole school, down to upper dam & back to bus through water works.  On way back stopped for a few minutes in shelter 200 yards below Moore's & took 4 icks with sucker, running about on bramble leaves under trees.  

On 7th Dec, Petasites fragrans seen far in flower at Templeogue Bridge, though not out here 3 weeks earlier.


On 3rd Dec, a wasp seen in Butterfield lane, but none seen later where we were.

On 10th Hazel ♂︎ catkins almost out at foot of Glenasmole & probably some out in places if we had had time to look for them.

10th Dec. 1941  Glenasmole, Co. DU.
On bramble leaves, 200 yards below Moore's house, and on trees 
Very mild, S.W. wind, strong, before depression & heavy rain.

Cratichneumon  ♀︎
Amblyteles oratorius  ♀︎
Hemiteles  ♀︎
Pezomachus  ♂︎.

Dec. 1941.
Weather continued mile till after Xmas with slight hoar frost some nights at end of month, but no remarkable weather & no real winter.

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